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THE CONVERSATION, THE CORNER OF lip kiss, the hug. It was all replaying in her mind like a movie, it felt like a movie. His voice kept popping back into her brain, saying the same thing over and over. "I just want you back, bro. Like all this fighting, it's fucking ridiculous. Cant we just go back to how we used to be?" his words stung, yes, but it made her happy in a weird way. They were back to being best friends, that's all she needed. Right?

She watched him, and the female on his lap. She tried to listen to the conversation they were having, but the girl was whispering far too quiet for even the people next to the pair to hear. The girl was dark, with beautiful brown skin and honey gold eyes. Her hair was straight down her back, a red-ish type of color. Jealousy was burning Ellie's stomach like acid, but she tried to ignore it. Cant we just go back to how we used to be? the words were like a gun going off, but she had agreed. She had to let him go. Her eyes darted away, turning towards Estee who had been talking to her for the last 10 minutes.

"....so yeah, she left"

Ellie's eyebrows furrowed, confused by what exactly she was even talking about. "Huh?" Ellie shrugged, and Estee rolled her eyes. "Zoe, she left, for that trip and I think she might stay with her dad for a while" Ellie sighed. Estee had told Zoe about Rylan for Ellie, and Zoe hadn't spoke to Ellie since, not that she deserved to be spoken to.

"Ellie, just go over there and talk to him" Estee insisted, pushing the girl's arm. But Ellie shook her head. "We're good and plus, I don't care who he fucks or anything" Estee slightly smiled, but her eyes held worry. "Good, i'll be back" Estee moved away from Ellie, leaving her to lean back onto the counter.

Boredom washed over Ellie, so she stood up and moved into the backyard. It was packed full of drunk teens who were either also getting high, grinding onto each other or throwing up in the grass. Ellie wasn't exactly sure who's party she was at, she had just been invited by Ray. All she knew was that she was heavily unfamiliar with the house and wasn't all that comfortable. "Hey, you good?" a beautiful tan boy with short black hair and piercings surrounding his body, stood over Ellie with a beautiful smile.

"Hey, i'm good" she smiled.

The boy leaned onto the wall with her and flicked out a cigarette, holding it up to her lips. She sent a firm nod his way. "Shit, thanks" the boy nodded, his straight teeth showing again. Ellie let the boy light the cigarette that was between her lips, and she quickly blew it out from her mouth. Her nerves instantly calmed.

"Why you out here all alone?" the boy asked, stuffing his hands into his ripped black jeans.

"Why are you?" she asked him back. He smirked and shrugged. "I don't like anyone here, I'm just here to get wasted" Ellie's eyebrows rose high and a smirk appeared on her face. "Oh yeah? shit me too, wanna go get drunk together?" Ellie was letting go. She wanted to be free of her feelings, out of her own personal hell.

𝖫𝖨𝖪𝖤 𝖨 𝖶𝖠𝖭𝖳 𝖸𝖮𝖴 | 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝟗𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now