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   ONE WEEK, EXACTLY. It had been one week since Fuckshit spoke, saw or even noticed Ellie. She couldn't get Fuckshit off of her mind though. His words continuously replayed in her mind, and they continued to pull at her heart strings. She wanted to show up at his house and tell him exactly how she felt, but she knew she was in the wrong this time. After having always been through Fuckshit's antics, she assumed he'd never changed, but the look in his eyes when he spoke to Ellie about how he felt, made Ellie break down once she got home.

It felt as if he had pulled off of her after being a piece of her heart for so long. She was starting to be used to having him around, and then after last week, she didn't feel right without having him close to her. Fuckshit hadn't shown up anywhere if Ellie was there. He wouldn't go anywhere with the guys if she had been invited, and that broke her even more.

   In the last two days, Ellie hadn't gone anywhere either and had stayed locked up in her room. Her father had tried to speak to her, not that he cared, but he genuinely wanted to know if she had stopped seeing her friends. Brianna had called and called but the girl continuously shot down her assumptions that she was depressed.

   Ellie lay on her bed, watching something she didn't really care about all the much. A bag of popcorn was rested on her stomach, making it burn from the heat. She hadn't washed her hair in two days so it looked a mess. But at least she didn't smell.

   As she kept her eyes on the television, the phone rang again. She rolled her eyes but then picked it up, putting it against her ear.


   "Ellie, seriously? can we hang out? Rocco and I miss you"

   Ellie sighed before sitting up, popcorn crumbs falling onto her bed. She began to sweep them off with her hand as she talked into the speaker.

   "No. I don't feel like getting out, honestly"

   "What is your problem? you can't keep being depressed over this motherfucker, let us come pick you u—"

   "Don't call him that, okay? it was my fault... and i'm not depressed, Bri, i'm coping"

   Ellie could hear Bri scoff, and she knew the girl was rolling her eyes.

"look i love you but you're being ridiculous. i told you not to do it, i fucking told you, and now you're complaining about him and being fucking angry and all that. you can't say i didn't tell you so, because i fucking did. you got yourself mixed up in his bullshit, that's your fault"

   Ellie swallowed hard at Brianna's words, but before she could speak, a muffled sound came over the phone and then a deep voice shot through the speaker.

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