ch 5

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Four days before the UA Entrance Exam.

Who in the hell would have thought that a paintbrush would hurt more than a sword? Because as it turns out, Sheo could cause more damage with PAINT than anyone with a standard weapon ever could.

Every time Izuku had challenged Sheo, he had lost. He had been painted red and green, blue and yellow; The paint could pierce his tough skin... so far one of the only things that could do so. It was always intimidating when he had to fight Sheo; the man was nearly seven feet tall and built like a brick house. And Izuku had just barely managed four nine... genetics suck.

But while he had been regularly stagnant when it came to fighting Sheo, Izuku had gotten better in other aspects of his training. The endurance runs he went on had gotten longer over the past seven months since he started doing them regularly. They originally started five miles, nearly causing him to pass out even with the athletic increase of his quirk, and then they escalated to almost ten miles. It was almost like he had a speed quirk, only every time he had been stopped and reprimanded by police and hero's about illegal quirk usage... well, speed was not his quirk, so they could not do anything about it.

He had also gotten relatively good at parkour over his long months of physical exercise. The ability to traverse areas he usually could not be turned out to be incredibly exhilarating! He had seen so many fascinating quirks while just running around! He had even seen the lady with pink skin again! But even though he had wanted to speak to her about why her skin was pink... She seemed to always have a large group of friends with her. He- he was not spying on her! She just seemed to always be in the entertainment district! It was not his fault his usual run ran through there!

"What do you think he is mumbling about now?"

"To be completely honest... I have lost count of the topics he speaks about while he mumbles... Last week it was his pink crush and quirk theory."

"S-should we stop him?" The question from the newest of the dojo was sincere... But it didn't dissuade the laughter of the rest of the group.

"If you can stop him, be my guest! Only Sheo has been able to snap him out of it at this point!"

The sudden sounds of water running in the art room caught the small group of friend's attention. Water meant the class was over and the paint messes were being cleaned... which meant Izuku would finally get his rematch.

"OI Zuku! You wanted a rematch right? Sheo just finished his art lessons!"

The storm of muttering was cut off abruptly as Izuku shot off to the art studio. He had waited all day for his rematch!... of many.

The busy husky and bustle of the outside street did not slow for the growing tension of one of the buildings beside it; Izuku had just declared another rematch between himself and Sheo. Izuku felt more prepared than the last... twenty-two times? He, like most of the dojo, had lost count.

On one side of the arena sat Sheo, calm, collected, and very ready to slam his student into the pavement. And Izuku sat on the other side, breathing deeply and focusing the heat built up inside of him to his nail. Each side was given five minutes before the battle to get ready. Sheo was picking his colors of paint carefully, sorting them by thickness and color. Izuku, on the other hand, was nearly totally still. The only sign he was preparing anything was the dark aura that seemed to bathe the room in shadow.

Oro walked up to the edge of the arena and spoke, "Your five minutes are up! We once again welcome Master Sheo onto the arena! And his small opponent Izuku Midoriya!" The excitement in his voice sounded forced to all present. They had gone through it many times. "You both know the rules! Quirks are permitted and the use of deadly force is prohibited! You may start when you are ready."

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