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Hello! It's the author! This was rewritten and edited a day after the information chap was sent out! Not beta-read, if you find any confusing ways of wording or misused words (EX: tails and tales) please tell me!

Disclaimers: eventually lots of cussing. And mental trauma and bullying... but that's normal in most MHA fics.

Have a nice day/night and I hope you will consider joining my discord!


"I... I know that sometimes you can't speak to me. Whether it is from the thought that I would not or could not do anything- anything to help with the bullying but. But I wish you had come to me! I-I could have home-schooled you... I-... I could have done something to help you. Y-you, do know that... right? You didn't need to hide everything f-from me." Izuku... did not know what to say. He didn't want to burden his mom with his problems. He did not want to put her under unnecessary stress. And yet here he was, causing more than he ever wanted.

"I... I'm so- so sorry.... I- I just didn't want to burden you with my problems... It felt wrong to lie to you. To tell you everything was fine. But I thought it was better than telling you. I-I-" once the words started coming out, they didn't stop. The pain from years of social, emotional, and physical abuse from his schoolmates... from his teachers. Like a dam bursting from pressure, painfilled sobs filled the once silent apartment. The pain of nearly a decade of constant pain and hate fell from Izuku's lips.


Once the conversation ended, Izuku was emotionally exhausted. In the last few years, he had kept everything bottled up, stowed away, so he never had to see it. But now that he had released most of it? He... kind of just felt hollow. The pain in his chest had been his anchor to the world around him. Where he once felt a bubble of happiness, felt empty. His mom had made katsudon. But even the joy from his favorite food felt mute in comparison to how his memories portrayed joy.

After the filling meal and highly emotional experience... it was time to sleep. It's not like Izuku had anything better to do.

His dream of the night was odd. It was like he was suspended in darkness. The only light shone from a small sampling of a tree. Well... the tree itself was not glowing, instead, it held glowing orbs in its branches. A few had gone out, shattered, and their shards were thrown around the darkness. Now only emitting an ember of light. On one of his hands, he had a pin. It seemed to be a part of his hand in a way. It was an incredible shade of black, and its eyes were much like his masks, except white.

It was a dream, so Izuku wagered that touching the glowing spheres really couldn't hurt anything. However, the moment his hand made contact with the glowing orb, it shattered. Shards of the glass-like substance shot through his hand; the pain was overwhelming. However, it was not done a second after the first broke two more followed suit to explode. The shards from the orbs carved deep into Izuku's skin. It burned worse than any burn Bakugou had ever given him. It was worse than any cut or bruise Izuku had ever experienced. He wanted to cry out! Plead for the pain to stop!

And suddenly... Izuku woke up. His hand burned as he got up slowly. The dream must have caused him to fall off his bed... he could guess this, mostly because he was on the floor. Checking his hand, the pin from the dream was still there. Whether it was a manifestation of his quirk or some ruse Bakugou was putting him through, Izuku couldn't tell.

Quickly grabbing the charm with his other hand, he felt the charm pulse with energy. And suddenly, he was back in the void from his dream. Only this time where sampling with three unbroken spheres stood, now a much taller small tree stood. In its budding branches, tens of the spheres floated. Some were wrapped tightly by the tree and others almost floated freely. The tree itself wasn't the only part of the dream that had changed. The empty void where the tree once floated a dark soil now held the tree in place.

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