Ch 7

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The entire testing group stood stock still... except for one hero hopeful. Seeming to be phasing in and out between the other students as a cloud of black smoke. And taking first place in the race to kill the bots was Izuku Midoriya, his pearly white mask and oversized hoodie disappearing into the distance as the other students finally realized what was happening.

Izuku wasted no time. A bright smile is hidden behind his mask as the burn in his chest flared. Dark energy pulled along the length of his nail, flickering like a black flame, seeming to lengthen the blade by inches. The dark energy around his sword reached its crescendo as Izuku slashed horizontally against the first small pack of robots. The black power, melting its way through the four one-pointers as Izuku leaped over them. Leaving them as small piles of halves.

Landing with a short roll Izuku kept his momentum. The Beating of his heart a war-drum on his one-man crusade. Quickly switching his grip on his sword, letting the blade point behind him. Izuku ran over to the side of a building, using his speed and the small cleat-like spikes on his shoes. Izuku jumped his foot finding, purchase on the concrete as his quirk's bone-like shoe spikes into the wall. And then he pushed off towards a group of three-pointers.

He landed on top of one, using his reversed grip to stab into the robotic monstrosity as he slid down its back. The moment his feet hit the road, the other three three-pointers attacked. Izuku's mind went into autopilot as he dodged the surplus of attacks, not paying attention to the sparkly laser that burned through one of his opponents. Swiftly cutting through the offending limbs of the robots, Izuku quickly finished off the two that were left.

Before Izuku could leave, he saw a robot had pinned down another contestant. He wasn't Katsuki, so Izuku ran over to the downed participant, easily prying the massive hulking machine off the other. Before the other contestant could speak, Izuku was sprinting again. Talking was a waste of time in the heat of battle... and his mask was up, so he couldn't if he wanted.

The song of battle inside Izuku played aloud as he ran into the brunt of the robot's forces. His heart was beating fast, and his brain was working overtime as the pool of heat in his chest grew. A flick of his hand and his sword was gripped regularly, the fiery feeling of his slash pooling double time in response to the hoard of mechanical beasts. He kept it pooling into the blade as he hacked through a large number of robots. Jumping on top of them, aiming for what he could guess was their heads making his way to the middle of the group.

Once he had managed to fight his way deep enough into the hoard, Izuku let the heat in his blade go. Spinning around, letting the attack out in a circle around him, slicing through his foes with pitch-black energy.

A wave of cold shot through Izuku as he caught his breath, standing in the middle of a robot graveyard.

Not a thought of doubt entered his mind as he carried on. His worries were forgotten at the gate as he pushed himself and his quirk further. He didn't count his points. He only left a path that spoke for him.

Izuku had just cut down another small clutch of robots as he saw another participant get pinned under another contestant's kill... and then the contestant left the other person under the robot. With a breath of dissatisfaction, Izuku headed over and pulled the other participant free. He had done it more than four times since the start of the trial. Everyone seemed to forget Hero's HELPED others first. Izuku got a small thanks from the other test taker as he headed back into the fray.

He couldn't tell how long he had been at it. The rhythm of battle and the tempo of his heart kept him too occupied to care. No matter how deep into the city he got, the robots seemed to keep coming from all sides. Izuku kept an eye on the other fighters near him as he cleaved into the crowd of robots. He couldn't let them get hurt while he was near. A grunt of pain alerted him to his right as a new fighter joined the fray. Their skin seemed to be a rock to a point. Their bright red hair made them easy to keep an eye on but, they were being swarmed fast by three-pointers.

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