CH 6

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The day of the UA Entrance Exam.


Everything had started off perfect. Izuku woke up early and took a shower. The hundreds of blankets he used to stay warm during the night were scattered across the room carelessly. He took his quirk drawback medicine while he ate breakfast... and then he headed to take the UA Entrance Exam.

The train ride was nice. No one came over and sat next to Izuku or even spoke to him. The number of people taking his train to the station near UA was thankfully low, and most of them were from his school and scared of him.

He felt ready for the exams themselves. He studied the week before religiously and had been training for months just for the physical part... But just because Izuku knew he could take the hits of whatever he was fighting, just because Izuku knew he could fight. Did not mean he did not fear getting hurt or failing. And what if he slipped up? What would he do then? Become a police officer? Go to another school? Would another school take him? He could not fail. Izuku did not know what to do if he did fail the exam.

Izuku felt that he was ready for the exams... But he was NOT prepared for the crowds in the slightest. From the moment he glimpsed the massive glass and steel structure that was UA's main building, he became aware of the enormous mob of people in front of it. It just kept growing and expanding. Izuku saw people leave the crowd, but it never let up, new people, new threats, new people that could hurt him worse than those who came before them. He could hear Katsuki yelling at him and bumping into him, but he could not focus. He could not respond. The constant churning of the crowd and... and he could not breathe. Why could he not breathe? Why could he only gasp for air? Was he overheating? His diaphragm was contracting. The air went in, it stayed for moments, and then he relaxed, and it went out... SO WHY CAN'T HE BREATHE!

Mina felt like she was going to be late. The crowd was massive, and no matter how much she fought to push past it. It only seemed to get harder to move. Then she saw a familiar mop of green hair it was easy to miss due to how tall everyone else in the crowd was, towering anywhere from a foot or more above him. But the boy seemed to not be able to breathe, they were grasping their chest, and from what she could see, tears were running down their face... The boy appeared to be trying to push through the crowd. But the masses in front of him were fighting back, forcing him farther from UA. Why was no one helping him! He was freaking out! Did he have a phobia of crowds? Is that why he stayed on the top of buildings?

With a newfound determination, Mina pushed past the massive group. Nearly knocking over a surprisingly small kid with balls for hair, and grabbed the green-haired boy's hand. Initially, he glanced at her in fear, his eyes wide and glassy with tears. But once she started pulling him to UA, he gripped her hand tight. After she nearly bulldozed through the crowd-pulling him along the whole time, did she glance at his face for the second time. His eyes were closed tight as he gripped her hand as she pulled him past the crowd.

When Mina and the greenet passed the school's threshold, the crowds seemed to disperse, were most of the mob reporters? As they walked into the main building, she pulled the boy into an empty hall. They might be late because of this, but she couldn't bring herself to care. He needed quiet and a friend.

She sat them down next to a door and draped an arm around his shoulders. Which, with how he tucked into her side, he appreciated. A couple of minutes passed as his breathing started to even out.

When he finally peaked out of her side, she noticed something that she really should have before. "Holy shit! Your eyes are like mine!"

Her happy escalation caused the boy to falter for a moment, surprised by her outburst. "Ah! Sorry, ya know it's just not everyday people have eyes like mine! But we should hurry, the tests start in... Three minutes... I think? But do not worry, we're really close! Oh we are so going to be besties!"

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