Chapter 38 Contract

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Niyati's POV

I felt like I was entering into a lion's den as I forced my shaky hands to finally open the door.

I thought we would be alone and yes a gun maybe. But I hadn't expected someone else to be present for the meeting. What was Shaurya upto?

" How are you feeling now? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Shaurya had strode towards me as soon as I entered. He was almost whispering and was purposely blocking the view of the person sitting behind.

I felt something flutter inside seeing his concern. For a moment I thought the old Shaurya was back.

" No I am fine."

I was trying my level best not to flush.

" Good. Then you can't back down from the contract saying you weren't of sound mind at the time."

Okay. Here goes the moment down the flush. I should have stolen the guard's gun.

I wanted to wipe that smirk off his handsome face...I mean devil face.

" What do you want?"

I wanted to be rude or arrogant. I tried but it came out just as a plain question. I even tried to roll my eyes but damn they were fixed on his beaut….evil face.

" Just remember one thing. This is an alternative for the origin deal. If you say no to this you can't back off from the original one. It's upto you. And don't even think for a second I care about you to not talk about the deal in front of anyone. My reputation won't be tarnished a bit but then I don't want to soil your sister's reputation. So we better not talk about it in front of him. Understood?"

My eyes almost popped out as he talked about the original deal. I would take anything over it. But we are talking about Shaurya. He definitely has some evil revenge plan underlined.

I just shook my head to tell him I understood.

He quickly strode towards his seat behind the desk.

" Mr Desouza, this is Miss Niyati Sharma. Mr Desouza is the HOD of Human Resources."

Shaurya introduced us, alternating his gaze between us as Mr Desouza stood up and shook hands with me.

Mr Desouza, to be very frank, looked like Santa Clause without a beard. He was round like a ball. Not only was his stomach round his face was round too and the nearly bald head was an additional round element added to the whole round features.

Had I not been scared of Shaurya I would have definitely liked to pull Mr Clauses chubby cheeks.

" Please have a seat Miss Sharma so we can go through your contract."

Mr Desouza was a very soft spoken person, exact contrast of the devil in front.

But what contract are they talking about? I had no idea.

" Would you like to do the honours or should I?"

Mr Desouza was asking Shaurya this time.

" Please go ahead. I have an important email to revert back to."

" Sure. So Miss Sharma these are the terms of your employment or rather contract here.

The contract is for a year. After that if you wish to continue you can come on our payroll, the terms of which shall be discussed then along with the position best suited for you, based on your performance.

For now, you are to be called Mr Oberoi's secretary. Though you are just his secretary, you are not only supposed to carry on all the work of any personal secretary but given your qualifications he may ask you to substitute work of any personal as he deems fit.

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