Chapter 13

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Shaurya's POV

"  Sha…. Shaurya. I took money to stay away from you. I...I was here from yesterday night."

For a second I felt like someone had punched me hard. I collapsed on the floor trying to accept the fact that my Niyati, my love had betrayed me.

Sitting on the floor it took my brain some time to process what was happening around. Did she actually say that she spent the night here with him. I was finding it hard to breathe. I had never felt so helpless before. It felt like someone was tearing me up from inside.

It was like I had no control over myself or my tears. They just kept rolling down without warning.

As some time passed and I had some control over myself I raised my head to look at her. My eyes landed on her face. She was also crying. But then my eyes travelled down to find Rohit's arms wrapped around her.

That was the last straw. Every last bit of frustration, betrayal, pain and sadness I had came souring up and I screamed.

I screamed till my throat hurt. It felt like all my emotions were coming out through my scream. Then nothing! As I stopped screaming I couldn't feel a thing.

Rohit said something that snapped me out of my pathetic state and replaced it by anger.

" It was just a one nightstand. Why are you making a fuss out of it?"

It wasn't what he said that made me angry but the way his right hand kept holding Niyati close to him that had all my attention. The way she was looking at him and leaning on him it felt like she was dependent on him even to stand.

That was it. All I could see was red. I was furious. She was mine. How dare he?

It was anger that kept me going. If not for it I would have been in some mental institution for sure. That day I decided I would make their life hell.

It was like I had turned on some switch. I felt nothing but rage. But then it made my life easy.

One angry stare and everyone just freezes. And you should check out the productivity of my staff. The moment I snap, things just happen. No effort required.

It got easier in personal life too. I had to make no efforts to keep money mongering ladies at bay. One rude comment and they run the other way. First my parents tried to reason out, but like always, they preferred to stay more invested in their business than minding my state.

At first mother sent girls for marriage. They ran away so fast, I actually pitied them. They had no idea my mother was sending them in an angry lion's den. Lately she just sends photos. The frequency has reduced drastically. Looks like my reputation precedes me.

Most difficult person to face was my brother. He was like my own child. It was just me and him as our parents never had time for us. We knew each other inside out. I can never be rude to him. I can never break his heart. So I drowned myself in work and started avoiding him. Slowly even he gave up the idea of trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

At first it used to take efforts to get angry and snap at people for no reason. With time it came naturally. Rage became a part of me. Now what took effort was speaking nicely. I don't remember when I last did that. Oh yes must be yesterday when I was talking to myself in the mirror.

Damn everyone else. I had started to live for myself and to destroy that pathetic excuse of a person Rohit.

I had finished Rohit. It took a lot of planning and manipulations. I must admit it wasn't easy. He belonged to a family of top class businessmen. He fought hard. I enjoyed watching him, as one after another I kept overtaking his companies. Oh I enjoyed every bit of it.

Last I heard he had filed for bankruptcy. I wonder who he has his one night stands with now.

Next was Niyati. She was an easy target. What astonished me was, she never fought back. It's like she accepted it as fate. At first I thought it was because she didn't know I was doing it. So I made sure that she would know. Yet nothing changed.

I knew I had broken her completely. I kept a close eye on her, well not me but my hired spies did. Every minute that she breathes was being reported back to me, every minute detail.

I knew she broke down everytime. Everytime I made sure to remind her of that night. Then why didn't she get angry and retaliate? Why didn't she come knocking at my door to apologise? Why was she still carrying on with this tormented life?


I was angry. Yes, a lot angry. I wanted to destroy what she had with Rohit. But after replaying the whole conversation everyday in my head from last ten years, something kept nagging me. She was holding something for sure. The fact that she didn't trust me enough to share it with me made me more angry. Or maybe the fact that Rohit knew it and not me fueled my anger further.

It was anger that kept me going. Anger was better than accepting the fact that she isn't coming back. Anger made it easy to breathe.

Anger replaced Niyati.

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