Chapter 27 Preparations

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Authors POV

It was 3 am and the world was fast asleep. The otherwise chaotic place was now in peace.  No noise of vehicles passing by or kids playing. It was truly peaceful except for her mind.

Niyati stood in the silence of her living room not understanding what to do. Everywhere she looked there was darkness surrounding her.

She had made a habit of finding the light in darkness. However small, she held onto it. The fact that Shaurya was taking revenge meant that he remembered her and that was the small ray of light that kept her going.

After what happened in the cabin yesterday she was sure the light was gone. Her confession made sure that the ray of light was extinguished and pushed her into the abyss of darkness forever.

Tomorrow, no, actually today, now that the next day had already started, would be the last time she would see him. No matter how sad she felt from inside she didn't want to dampen her sister's special day. It was a big day for her. You don't get married everyday. It was once in a lifetime and she wanted her to remember it forever and as a happy memory.

Niyati was torn how she felt. She was sad as this might be the last time she would see the love of her life. But she was happy too. After all, her baby was getting married to a good man and the love of her life.

There she stood in the middle of the night not understanding what to do. How to behave? Cry or jump with joy.

She wanted to be happy today. The occasion was enough to tilt her towards happiness more, as her sister was more important than her own feelings. But then she remembered the last time she was this happy. And that scared her more.

The last thing she wanted was to be happy and something bad to happen. Because this time, something bad happening meant something would go wrong with marriage. If anything bad happened to her sister she didn't know how she herself would survive it, let alone console her sister.

Somewhere in her heart she knew Shaurya won't let anything go wrong today. She knew what his brother meant to him and to some extent she had seen him warm up to Ashu too.

But for that Shaurya must be in his element. Last look at him showed how much he was in pain. She had heard the noises of things breaking as soon as she had left. She wanted to make sure he was fine but her fragile heart was too broken at the moment to mend his.

He will be present for his brother's wedding today. How would his behaviour with her be? Will he just throw daggers with his piercing stares silently or will he keep insulting her in front of others? Knowing him she somehow thought he would go with the first. Not that it would hurt less but atleast it would not dampen other's mood.

Oh God!! Will today really be the last time she sees him? Though she wanted to cry and be sorry for herself, today was not the day for self pity. If it indeed was to be their last meeting she wanted to have some good memories of it.

Dragging her feet out of the darkness of her living room she went to her room and switching on the light, opened her wardrobe. Her wardrobe? What a joke. All it had was one small section which held her four to five dresses. Rest was full of sarees and clothes of her parents and Grandma. She couldn't part with them.

Today she wanted them to be with her. What a great day it would have been if they would have been alive. If not them, then their love will be with them today.

A blue silk saree caught her attention. Her grandma had once mentioned that she had given it to her daughter as her wedding gift, the day she had decided to leave home to get married to the man she loved. She must have gotten married in it. There wasn't a single photo of their marriage as it must have been a hushed and hurried affair. But Niyati could picture her mother looking beautiful in it.

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