Chapter 4

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Niyati's POV

Ever felt the cold wind brushing your face and for a second felt your worries diminishing just like that? It happens to me sometimes. Like today.

It had started to drizzle and the faint fragrance of wet soil reached my nostrils. The temperature was going down slowly. Soft breeze brushed me, taking all the heat and worries away.

As I kept walking it started raining heavily. I thanked God that I was carrying an umbrella as I saw people running towards shops in the corner to take shelter wherever they could. The roads became deserted suddenly except for the vehicles running at full speed.

Walking on the footpath holding my umbrella I got the feeling that He was walking with me. I can never forget how we walked in one umbrella in heavy rains trying to avoid getting wet. There was only one way of doing so…. walking closely.

His one hand on my waist and the other helping me hold the umbrella as we walked together, our steps were almost synchronizing. Who cared if anyone was watching us. Who cared that we had goose bumps because of the closeness. Who cared that we kept on walking even when we could catch a cab or a bus. It felt like floating on the cloud.

I don't know why I can still feel his touch everytime it rains. It's not like I do it purposely. It just hits me every year with the first rain.

As I clutch the handle of the umbrella tightly I can feel him close to me. His breath brushing my hair. His hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer and closer to him. We can hear each other's hearts, which are beating at a crazy speed by now, not caring that we are being watched by many.

If I move my head, will his face brush mine like it did before?

I just kept walking even leaving my bus stop behind, with the fear that, if I stop he will vanish as he always does. I don't want to let go this feeling. I don't want to let Him go.

A vehicle passed by in full speed splashing dirty water on my dress. Out of instinct I started to reward the speeding car with words which I am sure He will not like.

I turned around only to realise He was gone. Vanished!

Why did I have to pay attention to that stupid car? I start walking again trying to feel like I did before.

Even after ten minutes I still can't feel him. It's not like I don't see him. I see him in my dreams almost everyday, but this feeling, which I have when it rains, is out of the world. I can feel his warmth. Now I have to wait another year for it. Why am I this stupid?

Now that I was out of the lovely feeling, I felt drained. I had no energy left to walk anymore. Even though I had walked half way to my place of work, it would still take me another half hour to reach there if I walk. Plus, I had totally lost track of time. I was already late when I left.

I saw a bus approaching me which would take me to my destination but the bus stop was still far. Only one option left….. run!

I ran only to find the bus already full. It was rush hour and raining too, so it was bound to be crowded. I somehow managed to get in by pushing and shoving while being pushed and shoved myself. Somehow after I got in I again struggled to move ahead, finally finding a place to stand without being sandwiched between wet and stinking people. Maybe I should have taken an auto. But it was the end of the month and I didn't remember how much savings I had left. Maybe I should have walked. No point crying over spilled milk now.

Buying the ticket I closed my eyes trying to remember the beautiful feeling I had before. But all I could smell was someone's perspiration. Yuck! All I could feel was someone's wet clothes making me wet too. Yuck again!!

No point trying to feel something that was impossible. So I just stood straight and waited for my stop to come.

I was one hour late to the office today. But the six months that I had worked here I had never been late, so maybe sir would excuse me today. Plus he wasn't the type who scolded anyone anyways. But that didn't mean I should take advantage of him. Once in office I will go and say sorry.

R. V. Ghomes & associates was a small accounting firm run in a residential one bedroom flat, converted into an office. The hall could be seen as soon as we entered, where furniture was nominal. It consisted only of worn out cupboards and chairs. Straight ahead was the bedroom with three computers and chairs placed along with old wooden cupboards, which for sure had seen many more years than the person running the business. A very small kitchen had a coffee machine and some plates and glasses kept neatly on a stand along with some bottles of coke which were now filled with drinking water.

Removing the shoes I wiped my wet feet extra hard on the doormat. No one was in the hall but I could hear faint voices from inside. I went inside looking for Sir to apologize.

Entering the room inside I saw Mr Ghomes, white hair fair skin slim built sixty years old man sitting behind Neha clearly explaining her something. Neha gave me a welcoming smile but Sir didn't look pleased. Was he angry because I was late?

"Sorry for coming late. Sudden rain crowded the buses, making it impossible to catch one. I promise it won't happen again."
I said quickly.

Sir just nodded his head and without saying a word continued talking to Neha.
"Neha why don't you pack your bags and go ahead. Start the audit. Do as I have explained. I have already talked to the accountant there. He will provide you with all the details. I won't be able to come today. Don't worry and don't be nervous."

Neha had joined the firm one month ago and mostly did office work. It was mostly me and Rahul who went out for audits. I knew something was wrong but I kept quiet.

It's going to happen again. I could feel something churning in my stomach. I gulped and sat on a chair trying to calm down.

I sat on a chair watching patiently as Neha packed everything and started moving out. She gave me a nervous smile on the way out.

There was pin drop silence as Sir sat in front of the computer pretending to work on it. I knew he was just sitting in front of it tapping the mouse nervously.

I sat in the chair looking at my hands, my eyes about to leak any second.

Sir took a deep breath.

"You came late today. I can't accept this. I don't need your services anymore."
His voice was low. It wasn't hard to figure out that he was forced to say it.

I was still looking down but I nodded my head. I knew what he was going to say ahead. I wished, rather prayed to God that he wouldn't continue.

Sir took another deep breath. I raised my head no longer afraid to let him see my tears. I blinked my eyes so that the water in my eyes cleared and I could see his face. He himself had tears in his eyes. His hand was shaking.

" Just say it Sir. Once you say it He won't trouble you anymore."
I said sobbing. I couldn't hold it anymore.

" If…

He started to talk but couldn't continue.

" Just say it Sir. I am used to it now."

My tears refused to stop especially when I saw a tear roll down Sir's cheek. He wore his glasses with shaking hands and started reading from a piece of paper.

" If you want this job you have to spend a night with me.
It's just a one night stand.
No need to make a fuss out of it."

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