Chapter 5

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Niyati's POV (continued…)

I sat numb as the words kept echoing in my head.

'If you want this job you have to spend a night with me.
It's just a one night stand.
No need to make a fuss out of it.'

I had gotten used to listening to them but that doesn't mean it had stopped hurting. Everytime I hear these words it's like someone is stabbing my heart. It pains! A lot!

I don't know how long I had been sitting on the chair crying silently. Sir also did not say anything. He himself must have been lost in his thoughts.

Slowly I raised myself from the chair and turned around to leave.

" Why is he doing this to you?"
Sir's voice was cracked. As I looked at him I saw him shaking his head as if it was difficult to digest that anyone could be this ruthless.

I didn't know what to say. Whatever I say would not change anything anyways, except maybe put him in more trouble.

" Because I deserve it."
Was all I could muster to say.

I just left. Nothing more I could do that would mend the situation. I brought all this upon myself. One wrong decision and I have been repenting it forever. He makes sure I do.

I kept walking, having no idea where.

I think I must have been walking for a long time now. My legs were about to give up so I went and sat at a bus stop.

How did I think it would be different this time? Maybe because it had been six months. I somehow thought he must have forgiven me. But no. He will make sure I repent it throughout my life.

A small sad laughter escaped me as I recollected his words.


He kept his word. He always did.

So here I am, thirty four years old, sitting without a job even though I am a Chartered accountant. It felt so good when I got the degree. Niyati Sharma, C.A.

I still have a degree but it's useless as no one is ready to hire me. He makes sure of it. That's why I started looking for jobs in small firms, but then he blackmailed and manipulated them to fire me. I have lost count of how many times I have been fired from.

I opened my purse to check out how much money I had left. As I looked into every corner of my purse all I could find was a ten rupee note and some coins. How am I supposed to go home? I don't even know where I am.

Ashu was right. She is the adult in the house. She pays the bills and provides for food too. It should have been the other way round. But she has never complained.

What will I do when she gets married? Most important question is how the hell am I going to get her married? With her own money? Looks like it. All I have is meagre change in my purse and two gold ornament sets in a locker, which our mamma had left for us. I will gift Ashu my set, that is all I have to give her. Mamma had kept the sets for our marriage. It's not like I am going to marry anyways. So I can gift it to her.

I should convince Ashu to get married now. By God's grace He hasn't touched her till now. Once she is out of my life he won't even look at her. Ya! I have to ask her to marry. I am sure Shikhar is more than ready. Both are settled career wise so why the delay.

My mood had somewhat lifted up a bit thinking about Ashu's marriage. I prayed to God that my bad luck does not descend upon her.

What am I supposed to do now? It's just noon. I can't go to Shreya's house this early. It doesn't look good.

Shreya and I were good friends in school but lost contact after leaving school. We accidentally bumped into each other a few years back. She is a doctor so has odd timings and has to rush whenever she gets an emergency call, leaving her three years old daughter at home alone. Her husband died in a plane crash when their daughter was just six months old. Ever since then she is the one carrying out all the responsibilities. I babysit her daughter in the evening as all the creches close by then.

He has somehow let me continue with this job. Possibly, he doesn't know I work there. He must be thinking I just help my friend. I am also not happy to take money from her, but then, how else am I supposed to survive. Plus Shreya is well settled as her practice is very good. She just doesn't have time. So I do all her work like taking care of bills, cooking, cleaning and most importantly taking care of her cute little bundle of joy, Shruti.

Had we been married, maybe even we would have had such a cute kid. Maybe!!

No! don't think about it. It was never meant to happen in the first place. Plus, I already have experienced the joy of being a mother by raising Ashu.

Life has given me all the pleasures of life. It gave me lovely parents and grandma. Lovely boyfriend. Though everything lasted for a short span of time I should be happy I had it all.

That reminded me it was lunchtime. I should call Ashu. I need to find a payphone. Ever since cell phones became handy there are hardly any payphones available.

After a long walk I couldn't find any payphone. So I requested a shopkeeper to let me call from his landline for which I would reimburse him ofcourse.

" Niyu? Is that you? I have been waiting for your call. You are late. Why are you calling from a different number today? Everything ok?"
I am sure everyone around could clearly hear what she was saying, rather yelling.

" Omg Ashu. Calm down. Sir sent me to audit at a new place. Sorry it took alsone time to settle down so got late to call you. Plus their landline wasn't working so I had to call from outside. Did you and Shikhar have lunch?"
I was talking softly so that no one could hear me in the crowded shop.

" Shikhar had an appointment today so left early but he took tiffin. I just finished my lunch. What did you have?"

" I had a lot of things, some of which I don't even know how to pronounce. This new company is very nice to us so don't worry. I'll be late. So don't wait for dinner."
Lying came easily with practice.

" Really? Great! Come home and describe the items I will tell you all the names. Do try to come early. See you. Muuaaa"

I couldn't help rolling my eyes at her childish behavior but that kiss made my day.

" Ok I will. Bye."

Disconnecting the call I tried to pay the shopkeeper who refused to take money saying "we hardly cross the free call quota because of cell phones."

I started walking towards Shreya's house asking for directions from passing by strangers. I had walked in the opposite direction so it may take me atleast two hours to reach her place on foot. Well I anyways had a lot of time to kill. Plus I am used to walking as I am broke most of the time. I will soon need new sandals though.

I started walking determined that tonight I will talk with Ashu and Shikhar about their marriage.

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