Chapter 14

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Shaurya's POV

Morning was like any other. Nothing special. I was barking orders to get the work done. I was about to throw a file on my accountant's face when my eyes fell on the screen showing the camera covering the waiting area and I froze.


Was she really here or was I dreaming?

I kept looking at the screen unable to decide how to react. Wait! What the hell?

From when do I have to decide how to react? There is only one solution to everything. Anger!!

But Niyati was here. She was actually here. Damn me!

How do I look? Will she like this shirt? I think I shaved the day before yesterday, so a bit of a stubble must have grown. I should have shaved today. I actually started checking out my shirt and moved my hand against my stubble.

What the hell am I thinking? Is this really me? She shows up at your doorstep and you are back to being all lovey dovey. Snap out of it! You have a reputation to maintain.

Just as I thought, the accountant was looking at me with strange eyes.

I closed my eyes and I remembered Rohit's arms wrapped around Niyati.

Damn you Niyati!! Damn You!!

And I was back!!

I threw the file at the bewildered looking accountant. It felt good. What also felt good was I kept doing so for another hour. I wanted the anger to overpower me before I came face to face with her.

I purposely kept her waiting, asking my employees to report for work which was to be completed way later. I even kept barking at my employees for not completing it. It wasn't like my employees had the guts to even open their mouth and tell me on my face that I was harassing them for no reason at all. I just wanted Niyati to realize how much she had affected me. I wanted her to be intimidated by me. Scared even.

Imagine my surprise when I threw a file and I heard a soft " Mumma"

Oh that voice. Same as it was ten years before. I got goosebumps hearing her.

I had no idea how to react. I just stood there looking at her. She was really here. Standing in front of me in flesh.

She was looking at me just as I kept staring at her. She never looked me in my eye before. Looks like time changed her after all.

Then my eyes went to my secretary's hand holding her arm. I felt like cutting his hand. It took a lot of self control to let that idiot leave. But his action had done one good thing. It brought back my favourite companion...anger!

Then I looked at her again. So close yet so far away. Will she run into my arms like she did before?

Great! One look at her and I turn into a pussy. Get a grip Shaurya!!

My legs had grown a mind of their own. They kept taking me towards her. It felt like she was a magnet and I was a metal. The magnetic pull was so strong, before I could realise I was standing in front of her.

I couldn't help but look….just look and keep on looking. No! I don't want to stop. It's been ten years I had been face to face with her. She is here now. She is actually here. I don't know when I will see her again. Let me keep looking.

I love the way she was getting nervous under my stare. I love the way she was fidgeting. I love h….

What the hell?? Snap out you idiot!!

I went near her only to encircle her. I wanted to have a good look.

I was on her left hand side when I realized she wasn't wearing any earings. She always wore those dangling ones. They kept touching her …. okay time to move on.

I was behind her looking at her long hair. Had they lost their shine? They used to be lustrous. Now they are thin and she has tied them back. She never tied them. Atleast not when she was with me. Move!

As I stood on her right I realized how thin she had grown. She was always on a slim side but now she had become thin. I could see her collar bone standing out. Doesn't she eat? She looks so pale.

Her clothes. I have seen it multiple times in photos. I always got her photos in two dresses only. The one she is wearing now being one of them. It looks old and worn out, clearly evident that it had been used too many times. It's even loose. It's just hanging on her body as if it's been hung on a hanger. She had wrapped her dupatta around because of which it wasn't clearly evident, but nothing escapes me. Atleast not when it comes to her. Ok move!

I moved in front of her trying to figure out if she is still my Niyati. She looks so pale. It seems like she has aged double in these ten years.

Maybe she smells the same. I wanted to know. I couldn't stop myself anymore and I kept going near and near. I had actually forgotten why I was so near. Something kept pulling me towards her. I could feel her breath on my face.

I still kept reducing the distance between us not taking my eyes off her even for a second. She had closed her eyes. I couldn't hold back anymore. There was hardly any space left between our lips. I was about to kiss her when I saw a lone tear escape her eye.

Is she disgusted by my closeness? Doesn't she feel the pull towards me? Does she feel that I am taking advantage of her?

And just like that I snapped out of my daze and composed myself. I even covered up as to why I had gone so close to her. I had no intention of letting her know the turmoil within me and also the fact that she still could make my heart flutter.

" I need to know where my sister is."

Niyati spat at me breathing heavily. What the hell did she mean by that?

I had never never touched her sister while I took out my revenge on her. What the actual fuck was she accusing me of?

Does she really think that low of me? I would never hurt any women. In fact, I only interact with male staff so that I can unleash my anger on them. The only females who have seen my angry side are my mother and her useless eager brides to be.

It had been ten years that I had been making life hell for Niyati. I agree to that. Not that it made me happy. It made me more angry every time I did it and every time she took the blow without complaining. If I wanted I would have finished her sister's life too. It wasn't hard for me. In fact, if I wanted I would have never let her be a designer let alone famous which she has gotten offlate.

My anger was increasing with every passing moment. The fact that the person who knew me the most was making those accusations was helping it burn further.

I had controlled enough. I was ready to unleash it on her…….

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