Racing thoughts

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     Foxy sat on the platform above the stage.

     Do I even deserve this?
Deserve what?
     You're right. I shouldn't even try.
You should be with your friends.
     They aren't my friends.
You should be with your friends.
     I don't have friends
You should be with your real friends.
And I'm not me.

     I'm not where I'm supposed to be.

     If I'm going to go back to them, I'm going to be me. Not this fake me that everyone pretends I am.


There's more, just keep scrolling.

Foxy laughed to himself.
     "Now I get to play take apart and put back together!" Foxy picked up an axe
     You won't feel a thing.

     He then started to rip himself apart, making sure he was at his bear (he's a fox, not a bear.) Minimums. He fought the urges to scream, as it felt like he was being burned alive. His torso and arms were exposed, leaving oil everywhere.

     I guess the fox wasn't careful as to where he left his mask.

     It wasn't good enough. This endoskeleton was just a little too bulky for his taste. He ripped that apart as well. He grined to himself as he swayed side to side. This body felt a lot more open and natural. Now he was really mangle.

     "Ooh, I hope he didn't run off again. Who knows what he'll do to himself if he's all alone up there!" Springtrap hugged himself, as he and the others were very concerned for their friend.

     Just then, the others heard a grinding noise coming from the roof.

     "... We have to get up there! That could be him getting hurt!" Baby tried to jump up into the roof, but wasn't as agile and light as the fox.

     The grinding noise got closer, then stopped.


     Suddenly they heard something that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. It was horrendous! The other is instinctively covered their ears trying to block out the sound.

     "HaHaHaHaHa!" A disgusting laugh echoed through the Halls. The voice was completely unrecognizable. It was also changing volume at an extreme rate.

     Suddenly, a gory foxy hung from the roof in front of them. "hAhAhA! I wAnTeD tO wAiT untiL JUSt thE riGht MoMent To DrOp In!" The mangled beast slithered across the beams above them. It's voice sounded like somebody bashed the box against a surface but just barely to have recognizable speech.

     The other animatronics were silent, aside from the occasional whimper from Freddy. The damage to Mangled body was so bad that it didn't even look like an animatronic anymore. She slithered over to Freddy and just stared at him.

     "DON'T BE AFRaid. Soon you Will be JuSt like ME... BEAUTIFUL!"  Mangle grabed the bear with one of its many tentacle like wires, and through him on to the stage. He grabbed the rest of the animatronics and separated them from the one that he was after.

     Circus baby gasped. She was the one that he was after. "W-who are you!?" The beast thought for a second, before he shrugged. "It's time to take your FINAL BOW!"

     Baby fell back before trying to push herself away. "ItS so MUCH MORE FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

HANGING ouT in hErE wiTH YOu." Just as mangle was right in baby's face he stopped.

     "He's Here, AND alWays watching, the ONE YOU shouLDN'T HAVE K1//36!" The last thing that mangle had said was unclear.

     Giving up on plan b, he scurried off into the roof where he wasn't seen again...

(There will be more chapters I promise) ❤️🧡

(Can we play Rock paper scissors? Tell me what you got in the comments by using these three emojis, 🤛✋✌️ play fair.



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