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     Freddy returned with the vile in his hand and handed it to foxy. The fox giggled and grazed the bottle in his paw. Foxy chugged the liquid and his eyes and mouth were glowing a glittering pink and was oozing. The fox looked up and the liquid was draining into his body. Freddy fell back onto the floor in fear. His mangled friend looked down on him as the liquid slowly moved in his joint and face plates.

      The fox laughed manically as he slithered outside, breaking the glass on the way.

     Freddy sat there, shaking. "What have I done..."



     "Hey. Have any of y'all seen foxy?" Lolbit came up to the group in the main room.

     "Umm... He's in maintenance?" Baby told her while shrugging.

     "Ok? Why."

     "He got pretty hurt. We don't know how, but we aren't sure if we can fix him."

     "Again, ok? What about the role play." Lolbit held up the camera that they usually used. Baby was surprised he hadn't broken that too.

     "That's what you're worried about!?" Springtrap slammed his hands down on the table. "Why do you even care?"

     "Duh. Money! Why else?"

     "Is that it? We were making the roleplay for fun, the intention wasn't money. But really?" Puppet shook his head in disappointment.

     "Ya. Where is he? I'm sure I can fix him and get the money maker working again."

     "You can't!" Freddy yelled.

     "Why not?" Baby stood up.

     "He... Um... He..." Freddy crouched back and sighed. "He escaped-"

     The room went quiet.

     "What do you mean, 'he escaped'?"

     Freddy pointed to the broken window that the others failed to notice before. "He didn't say where he was going, he just went."

     "YOU DIDN'T TELL US SOONER!? WE COULD'VE CAUGHT UP TO HIM BY NOW!" Baby yelled at Freddy. She was so mad.

     "IM SORRY!"

     "WAIT! I think I know someone that may know where he went." Springtrap separated the two, and stoped the argument.

     "Who?" Ballora looked around, who here would know where he would go?

     Springtrap looked down the hall to the metal doors on the wall.

     "You're kidding." Lolbit looked over to.

     "Fine then. We're going to see ennard." Baby walked over to spring and put a had on his shoulder. They all quietly made there way over.


     Free! Free! Finally free! Away from that hell hole!

     It was dark out. The little town out front looked so beautiful to the fox. He was traveling on roof tops to avoid being caught by humans. He was in the rural part of town, but he needed to make it to the big city.

     His old location was across town, a couple hundred miles past new York's apartment line, along the edge of the city.

     It was gonna be difficult getting over there without being caught, but he believed he could make it. He took one last look at the shit hole called home, and he left.

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