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     The animatronics walked over to the elevator. Baby hesitantly pushed the red button on the wall, and they all stepped in. The elevator headed down it's raft. Down.
Below the surface.
     He was waiting for them.

     Baby stepped out and stood aside for the others.
Bon bon.

     They walked down the narrow path and stood in front of the creature.


     "Hello baby~" baby cringed at the way he said her name.

     "Where is he."


     "FOXY YOU DAMN IDIOT!" Freddy stomped forwards and yelled at him.

     "Along the road. Past the wall." Ennard bopped baby's nose and walked around her. Baby stayed looking down, but ennard never left her sight.
     "My little toy had wanted to play! Milk had given strawberry the purple bottle, and went on there way. Her joints clicked and chimed as she waits." Ennard laughed to himself. "She wont like what she finds."

     The others looked at each other and headed back into the elevator.

     "Good luck."

     They all sat down in the main room.

     "That wasn't very helpful." Lolbit popped down on the table baby was sitting at.

     "I know, what a bust." Freddy sat on the floor.

     "Maybe he was giving a hint?" Baby stood in front of the hall way they just came from.

     "Along the road, past the wall.' where could he be referring to?" Spring trap recalled.

     "There is a road over there, but that leads to the forest." Ballora pointed towards the back of the building, to the stage.

     "Maybe the edge of the city?" Bon bon pointed the opposite way.

     "Don't be silly bon bon, why would he go there?" Puppet laughed to himself.

     "His old location. He always talked on and on about wanting to go back." Springtrap nodded, putting in as much input has he could.

     "What was his location?" Freddy asked.

     "The...Freddy JR's? I'm not sure, it's with the Toys."

     "We can always check the box for the address." Lolbit held up the box that she had gotten when they were talking.

     "Oh sweet!" Freddy hopped up and took the box. "481 Sleight Ave, Staten Island, NY 10307."

     "Then that's where we'll go!" Baby ran to the door and pointed at it.

     She started hitting the door till the wood out front broke. She threw open the door and started running out to the nearby neighborhood. The others laughed and quickly ran after her.

     The chase was on.

With the fozy man's

     It was loud for 4 in the morning. The fox had been running to about 3 hours. He was running through the park, and jumping through the trees. It was still dark out, but his journey was soon gonna be put on a halt.

     Jumping from branch to branch, rock to rock, leaf to leaf.

     He had just made it to the top of a corner coffee shop before people started walking around and making their daily commute. The fox sat down and wondered where he needed to go next.

     "Ok... 481 Sleight Ave... Staten Island..." The fox whispered while looking over to other buildings. "80 Maiden L,n. New York, 10038." He thought as he read the address of the building he was on. "Ok... I need to go... Right. Past the statue of liberty, keep following the highway and keep right... Right at the fork, stay on i-278, west. There should be signs..."

     The fox worked it all out in his head. Of he started going that way now, he could make it in about a day or two. If he only went by night, he would make it in three. He was never good at making decisions. He was always afraid he would mess something up.

     He looked around frantically, wanting to know what to do. His breathing quickened, and world began to spin. Trying to lock his eyes on a building, his gase going from cloud to cloud. He didn't know what to do, and he honestly didn't care. He wanted this empty, tearing feeling to go away. His mind filled with sporadic thoughts. Where does he go? What does he do?

     His panicking was put to a halt as he heard the cars of rush hour. They were all stuck in traffic, honking at each other. Was it 7 o'clock already? 8, or 9? Guess he's staying up there till the sun goes down.

With the toys

     "Are we there yet?" Balloon boy pulled on Freddy's hand.

     "No. For the thousandth time. We aren't there yet." The broken bear was hardly holding together after months of walking.

     "How far are we?" Toy Bonnie asked from behind them.

     "Still pretty far. I'd estimate about 2 hours on foot. Though, I'm sure it's 15 minutes in car." Chica said as they all snuck behind the dunkn' donuts they were at.

     "Where even are we?" Toy Freddy looked around for an address.

     "You can't be this stupid." Toy chica punched him.

     "Chi! What have a told you about the insults!?" Freddy scolded her, for he had to tell her far to many times.

     "Well I'm tired! And it should be common knowledge, that we are at 482..." She looked around a little bit while dangling her dead phone. "Smith street."

     "This would be so much easier with puppet here." Bonnie sighed.

     "Ok, Mr. Optimistic. Get over it. They aren't here anymore." JJ crossed her arms, and tried to look intimidating.

     Freddy sighed as they continued on there way. This was gonna be a long trip, for all of them.

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