fighting in purple (new OC introduction!)

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He looked down at the ground as the world caved around him. He felt the weight of his body get heavier and heavier. The chains on his arms pulled him down as the tears fell. A flash of light flew by followed by a loud thud. Actually, four. The others stopped yelling at foxy as there attention was turned towards the portal. Foxy walked to the door. When he recognized one of the people there, suddenly, the weight was a lot lighter. The fox dragged down the wood off the door and opened it. As he had guessed, four people. Bryan looked over.

"Foxy!?" (Before he died) the loud burnet ran and hugged foxy.

The fox hugged back as the others attention was turned towards him. He was still so confused.

"Oh! These are my friends! The one in black and purple is vile," the one in question held his head high. He looked like a leader. His posture was perfect. Though he couldn't say the same about his wings, horns, and face. He had a huge gash along the side of his face, his eyes glowed a bright purple. His right horn was broken and the pieces were presumably held up by magic. His wings were torn like a hook went through them. His outfit was a long black robe that you would most likely see in Greek mythology. The robe was black and purple, the only exception being a golden sash along his torso. On this sash was a golden emblem thingy that shined from the light. He was also bear foot. "Sup." His posture relaxed a bit, but still looked formal. His voice was calm, almost hypnotizing.

"The one next to him is (my oc from a very different dimension from everybody else, I just wanted to be there for a bit) Diner Baby," she smiled and her teeth were perfect. She was so shiny, she was probably another animatronic. Her cheeks were in swirls and her nose was a little button. Her top was reminiscent of scrap baby. Her skirt was poofy and Shone a light red color. On the sides of her waist were ketchup and mustard bottles. She had stockings up to were her skirt about started. They were striped black and orange, acquainted with orange rollerblades. "Hi!~" she bounced up and down and waved. Foxy liked this baby better than his. Her voice was giggly and cheerful, almost child like. Her red pigtails were a huge contrast to some of the others much darker colors. There were also a set of wires wrapped around her hair, holding it together.

"And finally, jyles!" The jester was looking off into the distance untill his name was called. He had dark purple hair with a beige and purple jester hat floating above his head. His outfit was messy, with one sleeve being purple with tan diamonds and the other just beige. His torso was the same way. He wore a piece of fabric on his shoulders with a chain holding it together. It was also beige. He had swirls on his cheeks as well, but purple instead of diner baby's pink. His pants were dark blue with his black tennis shoes, with a gold trimming. "Oh, hey." He nodded and went back to spacing out. He had an accent and a voice like Viles, but a little bit more distant.

"What is up with your chest?" Vile gestured to the big gaping hole, his voice sounding a lot more annoyed. Diner Baby nudged vile.

"You don't ask certain questions vile. He's very clearly missing his voice box." Diner Baby put her hands behind her back.

"I'm not stupid, I can see that he's missing his voice box. I was asking about why there was a hole." Vile looked at Baby.

"Well clearly you are stupid, because if you can see that he doesn't have a voice box, then you should know that he can't respond to your question!" Baby turned towards vile.

"I am way smarter than you, I've been around since the big bang."

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

This went back and forth for a few seconds before Bryan said.

"Sorry about them, this happens every time they're together." He giggled.

Foxy waved it off as to say it was fine. He then motion for them to follow him. They stoped bickering and followed foxy. He lead them to the main room and they all sat down for a second.

"Hey foxy? Who are they!? And what are they doing here!?" Baby, Foxy, and Bryan jumped at the sudden voice. The other Baby sounded pissed.

'w-well, you see... They just popped out of the portal and-' foxy was trying to sign but his hands were shaking. The other Baby sighed. She looked at the others, her eyes stopped on the other her.

Baby gave her a dirty look. "You aren't replacing me are you!?"

"With that kind of attitude, I hope she is!" Vile slammed his hand on the table, sucking jyles out off la la land. His eyes glowed bright as a small fire burst from his hand.

Jyles tapped vile and pointed to his hand. The fire soon went away, as did the glow of his eyes.

"Oh! No, no, no! I'm not! Don't worry! I have a diner to run and friends to get back to! So I wouldn't worry your tiny little brain about it." Her eyes turned partially red. "Now kindly fuck off. Some of us have tasks to complete." Her eyes were full red, but it soon changed back to yellow.

"What about a task?" Jyles asked.

"Oh! In order to leave, I have to complete a task that it related to the world I'm in! However, looks like I already completed it! I won't bore this chapter with less angst so I will leave you to it! It was nice meeting you guys!" Baby walked away, presumably to the portal.

"O...k...?" Bryan was so confused.

"Anyway, do your 'friends' usually treat you like this?" Vile put quotes around the word friends.

Foxy looked down, remembering the weighted feeling he had felt before. The sense of ease was gone.

"I'll take that as a yes. Friends shouldn't do that..."

A blaring noise shot through the foxes ears. He couldn't hear them. The fox couldn't see anything. It was like he was thrown in space. The hole in his chest got bigger and bigger, soon breaking his whole body. It reminded him of when he was mangle. It felt like he couldn't breathe. It felt like home. The oil on his wrists leaked out and was spreading. It felt like a chain wrapped around him and pulled him down. He got the floor with a bang. He returned to reality to see vile looking at him. Jyles and Bryan were talking. Vile stood up and sat next to the fox.

"I know I'm a villain or whatever, but, you good?" Vile looked at foxy, with little concern

"I'm fine! Really!" The fox signed.

"No you're not. I gotta go soon but let me teach you in exercise I learned that helped me in times of... excessive alarm." Vile couldn't find the last two words, or at least didn't want to say it.

Foxy nodded.

"Ok, think of five things you can see."

When it looked like foxy was done, vile continued.

"Now four things you can hear"

The fox moved his ears around, listening. The fox then moved his ears back and nodded, still feeling like he was going to cry.

"Three things you can feel."

Foxy started to feel better as he remembered that he was back in reality.

"Two things you can smell."

The fox sniffed around.

"And finally, one thing you can taste."

Foxy breathed out. He looked at vile, confused as to where he got that from.

"Ah...Sanders sides. You should watch it sometime!" Vile smiled for the first time in this universe.

"Come on vile!" Jyles yelled.

Vile stood up and said his goodbyes. Foxy will remember that exercise.

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