64. Caroline

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NOTE: glad you guys liked the previous chapter!! I was thinking maybe i lengthen the lemon bit..? lemons are just so damn hard to write without it being cringy but i get that you wanna read the actualll s e x part

Also pls dont hate me for this chapter haha


The next day passed by in a blur of disappointments. Eren and (y/n) were busy all day testing Eren's hardening ability, but it didn't go as planned. They held no hope (y/n) could harden since she'd never drank the vial of 'armor', so it wasn't a surprise when she didn't. Sadly Eren couldn't either, and they dearly hoped him hardening in the crystal caves wasn't a one time thing. 

During the day Hanji, Levi and Erwin were there overseeing the experiments, but others were frequently around. (y/n) didn't miss Caroline hovering around and bringing Levi a cup of tea no less than thrice.  He was more than happy to accept it, it seemed... Then again he does simply love tea... And she brought Hanji and Erwin tea too... But still. 

(y/n) hoped that her preoccupation with Caroline wasn't in the way of her attempts to harden. Though if it is, I could tell Hanji and she'd probably make Caroline leave...! (y/n) sighed. Buttt, that's crazy. I can't do that. She pondered. 

"(y/n), get your head out of your ass. Hanji's calling you." Levi suddenly spoke up. (y/n) gritted her teeth and went to see what Hanji was saying. 

As the sun started to set, (y/n) and Eren both sulked back to the castle.

"I don't know what I expected, but I'm still disappointed." (y/n) mumbled to him as they slouched their way across the courtyard. 

"Pf, you've got it easy. No one expected you to be able to do it anyway. Did you notice how desperate Hanji was getting? And how angry the Captain looked?" He answered. (y/n) gave him an apologetic look. 

"Let's just look at the brighter side of things. This was just one day. There are still soldiers looking through the rubble to find more of those armor potions and we've got a relatively long time to try and figure this out. The only people trying to kill us at the moment are Reiner and Berthold outside of the Walls. That's a lot less than usual." (y/n) tried with a small smile, gaining a short laugh from Eren. 

"Right , right. Man, I'm just beat. I can't wait to get in a nap before dinner." Eren spoke as he opened one of the doors into the castle for her. (y/n) let out a sigh. 

"Ugh, dinner, right. I promised some people I would help out with cooking." (y/n) realized, groaning. She looked at Eren expectantly, and he looked back awkwardly. 

"That's rough, buddy..." he spoke hesitantly. After a second (y/n) let out a laugh. 

"Don't worry, you don't have to help. Go sleep. Just save me a seat at the table, yeah?"

"You got it!" he spoke, obviously relieved, and they parted ways. 

(y/n) was the first to arrive at the kitchens. She felt that trying to squeeze in a tiny nap wouldn't be beneficial, so she'd just get a headstart on dinner. The kitchen was large and mostly made of wood and stone. There were multiple ovens and many counters to work on. Plus everything was stocked to the brim with fresh food, a luxury (y/n) hadn't often been blessed with. Some food had already been lain out, showing (y/n) that what was on the menu for that evening was lasagna. As (y/n) prepared the first of many lasagnas, since she and the other chefs would need to feed many soldiers, she sang as she worked. She couldn't often do so, only when she was completely alone. 

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