30. After the Battle

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(y/n)'s heart started beating faster as she continued staring at the wall-titan's face. Jean excused himself, he was going to help Eren to his bed, since he obviously needed to rest after his heavy fight with Annie.

(y/n) walked over to Levi. Perhaps he knew more about the titan, or he could at least tell her what the plan of action was.

"Why is that Titan there, Levi? How did it get there? Is the entire Wall filled with titans? Or just that spot? What are we going to do? Is it alive? Should we kill it? Why would-" she rambled on panicky to Levi.

"(Y/N)!" He growled angrily as he turned to her, grabbing her head tightly. "Enough with the questions! I don't know either, but Hanji's on it. You should be thinking about yourself right now! You've just finished heavy physical combat in titan-state. Aren't you feeling tired at all?" he spoke, his anger turning to worry.

After such a shock of seeing a humongous titan in the wall, the aftermath of (y/n)'s battle with Annie was slowly catching up to her.

"W-, well... Now that you mention it.. It was quite a heavy fight and I-, well, I don't feel so well.. I think I'm gonna.." she mumbled, her eyes losing focus. She stumbled backwards a little, her feet feeling extremely heavy and her head feeling extremely light. Within a few seconds she felt she was going down. She fainted, but before she could hit the hard ground Levi caught her.

"Ch-, you're such an idiot, (y/n)..." Levi mumbled as he carried her, taking her to where Eren was also resting.

He kicked open the wooden door of the assigned room. There were two beds, and an open window, letting in a breeze and a few low rays of sunlight. Eren was already fast asleep in his bed, Mikasa, Jean and Armin by his side. Levi brought (y/n) to the other bed, and gently tucked her in.

"Is she going to be alright?" Jean asked him, walking over.

"She'll be fine. She's a tough brat." He mumbled, staring at her face with gentle admiration, though from the outside it just looked like a frown. Jean chuckled, his admiration for (y/n) quite obvious in his face as he stared at hers.

"Yeah, she is. She was the best in our class since day one. And that was when we didn't even know about her titan ability yet."

Levi was surprised to find that Jean wasn't actually all that bad. Just a good kid. Hopelessly in love with (y/n).

Levi sighed as he turned around. I can't exactly blame him. He thought.

"How's he doing?" Levi asked, nudging his head towards Eren.

"I'd say about the same as (y/n). They've both completely healed, thanks to their ability, but they're really tired." Armin answered.

"Look after them for me. If they wake up, tell me. I have to speak to Erwin, and get that cowardly-bitch under the ground in case she decides to come out of her little crystal-shell."

"Sir." they saluted him as he left.

As night-time fell, Mikasa, Armin and Jean headed off to their own assigned rooms in the building. Miraculously, despite having fought most of the battle, (y/n) woke up whilst Eren was still completely out. She looked around, not remembering ever going to that room herself. She stepped out of bed and silently stretched her muscles. She was still wearing all her gear, which didn't seem appropriate for that time of day, so she stripped down to her sleeping attire. She walked over to the open window and slid aside the white curtains.

The sky was clear, revealing the stars and the moon. Judging by those, she reckoned it was somewhere along midnight. She tiptoed past Eren to the door, which she snuck out quietly. She was in the halls of some building she didn't recognize. She figured it must be the courthouse, or an inn of some sort. She walked through the long, dark hallway, silently peeking in every room. She didn't know how long she had been out, so she didn't know what the state of things were. The questions she had asked Levi that day still haunted her head. Not being able to dim her curiosity, she was looking for one of three people. Hanji, Erwin and Levi were the ones who had most access to any information that could give her the answers she was looking for. She also wanted to know if they had made any progress with Annie, and frankly, whether she and Eren would still be executed.

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