9. Beat up in Court

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".... So, Levi, do you understand what you have to do?" Erwin asked him. They were gathered in a small room, along with Hanji and Mike.

".. I suppose so. I won't be enjoying it though." He spat. Boy, did he hate this plan.

"Levi, you know they will definitely be executed if you don't at least try?" Hanji spoke, trying to reason with him. Hanji had heard from Erwin about this special (y/n) girl that Levi had taken a liking to, who now also turned out to be a titan shifter, along with Eren Jaeger.

"Tch-, don't you think I know that, shit face?" he scowled. "Now get that stupid look off your face and let's go. I know what I have to do."

(y/n) was woken up with a hard slap to the face.

"Listen, up you titan-bitch. We're taking you and your titan-friend Jaeger up to the court right now. Expect to be executed. We don't need freaks like you amongst humanity." said the man who wore the MP's emblem on his vest. He dragged her up a bunch of stone stairs. She and Eren were handcuffed.

They were brought into a court hall and then chained to a pole in the middle of it. (y/n) looked up, and saw people in the tribunes all around her. Right in the center there sat a judge with a thick beard.

She looked at Eren who looked back with a worried expression.

"Alright then.. Shall we begin?" spoke the judge.

He asked them some basic questions, to which they gave truthful answers.

"Now then. The end of this trial with decide whether you are handed over to the Military Police, or the Scouting regiment." spoke the judge.

(y/n) looked to her left, and to her shock she saw Levi and Erwin standing there amongst some other people.

Shit... Why did the first time I see them again in years have to be in a way like this?

"The Military Police will now present their case."

"Thank you, sir! My name is Niall Dock, and I am Commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation following a thorough examination, subject Eren Jaeger and (y/n) (l/n) should be disposed of immediately."

Disposed of? DIS-FUCKING-SPOSED OF? We're not just some piece of garbage you can dispose! We're human beings! (y/n) thought, outraged by his words. She was too angry to realize how fearful she should be of her life.

"We acknowledge that their ability played a part in turning back the latest titan incursion, however as stated their mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from them we would see them made a fallen warrior of humanity."

Fuck. You know, I'd rather be killed by a titan than be killed by humans who think I am one. She thought, the realization of her possible death slowly seeping in.

"Thank you. Now, I'd like to hear the Scout regiments plan." said the judge.

"Yes, sir." Erwin spoke. "As the Commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following. Let Eren and (y/n) join our ranks. Reinstate them as full members of the scouts, and we will utilize their titan abilities to retake wall Maria. That is all." he spoke, his voice clear, full of authority.

I've missed him. But I've never seen him this serious!

"Hm? Is that it?" the judge asked.

"Yes. With their assistance I'm certain we can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo, I believe our top priority is perfectly clear."

"Assuming you are given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pixes, the wall in Trost district has been completely sealed, is that correct?" he asked.

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