Chapter 2: One look

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The Limo made its way straight back to the house, the driver didn't dare to ask the girl questions. Skyler curled up in a ball and pulled her legs up to her chin and cried to herself into her knees.

"Deep breaths Skyler, just deep breaths." She kept mumbling to herself over and over again as every breath became harder and harder to grasp.

She sat up on the seat and placed her hand onto her chest, where she could feel her heart pulsating away. The nasty sharp pains in her chest became tighter and tighter.

"Are you ok?" The driver asked her starting to pull over.

No word was spoken from Ski. She sat there in complete desolate starring into the world in front of her.

He opened the shutter which separated the back seats to the front and gave her a slight smile hoping she would turn to see it.

"We are here." the man explained as he shut the shutters behind him.

He shot her another smile through the window as she got out the limo onto the path below her. Skyler gave him a frown as she shut the door.

Before this girl even got to the front door the limo was already out of sight.

She grabbed the keys out of her pocket of her jacket and tried to turn the key into the hole of the lock but her hands were trembling so much it was nearly impossible for her to concentrate .

After a few helpless tries, skyler finally managed to turn the lock after a few seconds. The door opened and she just huffed before she even got inside the house.

As the blue eyed girl walked in she locked the door behind her. She placed her keys and jacket onto the cabinet next to her front door on the left. The picture of her and her mum caught her eye and she just stared at the picture on the same cabinet as where she placed her keys. It was of them at there last Christmas together. She gave a surprisingly big grin at this picture. She knew if she stayed staring at it for too long she would just burst out weeping again.

She twirled around to open her stair gate to enter her living room. She knelt down to switch on the lamp beside the door. She fell into the sofa and just sunk into it leaving relaxation with her. She no longer felt sad she just felt numb and completely emotionless. She put her head into hands and gave a deep exhale.

Ding! Skylers phone went off. She tried to ignore it but she just didn't like the not knowing of who it was and what they wanted.
You could tell she had no motivation not in the slightest to even pick up her phone.
The blonde picked up her phone from the sofa next to her and glanced at it.

It was from Layla
'Hey Ski, I hope your ok, when you get this please ring me back, I'm worried about you, everyone was wondering where you had gone, I had to say that you had to do something important.please get back too me.'

The girl let out a shakily exhale and started to write back to her best friend.
'hi layla. yeah I'm fine and home, don't worry. See you soon!'

She laid back and let go of her phone back into the sofa next too her and gently pressed her head onto one of the brown sofas and wrapped her mother's fluffy grey blanket around herself and started to close her eyes. Now she was more calm this meant she could finally try and get some sleep before her dad came back and start again. She closed her eyes and just laid there in silent. The only noise to be heard was the clicking from the old antique clock above her; it was peaceful.

Until... Bang!

What in the earth was that Skyler was thinking. She lay there searching for the energy to get up.
She quickly jerked up from the sofa and stumbled too the door. She looked through the hole looking out to the porch of her house. It was the police. The frown on her face grew bigger, she was so confused as to why they were here.

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