Chapter 3: and i cant catch my breath

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"It doesn't have to be like this father." Ski said shivering with fear still.

The girl just wanted peace. She wanted to be free. She wanted to have food to eat, a stable house to live in. That's all this girl wanted; was to live her life properly.

She had so many words she wanted to speak and say to him but yet she has so little bravery. And this made her weak to him.
She sat in silence with all her thoughts racing around in her head because she knew her opinion too him would end in more devastation.

She snapped back into reality as she was face to face with the person she had to blame for this all.

He snarled at her and rolled his eyes.

"Really Ski? Your just as bad as your mother. Trying to always get sympathy from others. Mother like daughter." The angry father screamed at her.

He marched into her room and was meters from her at this point. Her heart started to beat tightly. Causing her to scream in tears. She didn't even know if it was anger or sadness she was trying to get out.
Her face started to go bright red as she could feel the tears becoming more and more out of control.

"How can you speak like that about my mother. Your wife." Ski said screaming back at him. She started to tremble even more rapidly, what this selfish father said to her got to her more then anything ever would.
Anything to do with her mother she would defend her in a heart beat.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me, it's disrespectful and disgusting attitude." He started to get closer to her.

"Stop, please dad" she started to beg as her screams turned to a sob. She put her hands over her head whilst uncontrollably panting with fright. She clenched her fist tightly like she was preparing herself for the worst .

The closer this out of control father got the tighter she would dig her nails into the palm of her hand.
Her breathing became heavier and heavier. He was just grinning at her like this was funny to him. What sort of father truly beats his daughter and laughs about it?

"You are no dad to me, you never have been, you've got worse with mum gone. I have to go to go school with the uniform and equipment i bought dad. I have to eat the food I bought that's if I can afford that day because you spend all of our money on drugs and alcohol. You beat me everyday for what reason? What possibly have I done to you. I get home from school everyday you scream at me for not giving you the money for our so called food you apparently get us or for not cleaning up.It just isn't fair anymore dad. Your-your." the girl started to stammer, "How am I meant to live with you doing this to me, this isn't fair anymore your not being fair too me. Your daughter." He snatched the pillow from her hand and before she knew he slammed it against her mouth causing her to struggle to breathe even more then she already was struggling.

"No one. And I mean no one speaks to me like you just did then Skyler. You should know better."
He Swang the bat down against her shin causing her to jump in pain.
The girl screamed out in pain as she crawled into a ball once again trying to calm herself down as she felt her shin start to throb immensely.

He fastly turned his head to the window to check the blinds. They were down just like he hoped.

The man turned back and made straight eye contact with this distressed girl once again.
Before she could even attempt to protect herself he had his daughters hair in the palm of his hand and was tugging at it against the blondes headboard.
She tried to fight him off of her but he was too strong for her to even attempt.
The headboard began to make loud bangs after every hit.

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