Chapter 11: it out

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Skyler kept zoning out continuously, this brought attention to Miley.

She placed her hand onto Skis leg and said to her, "What's wrong?" Ski looked back over to Miley and shook her head.

"Nothing." Miley raised her eyebrows at her. "Yes I am okay" Skyler continued to say. That's until someone interrupted her.

"Come on we are going," Said a voice coming from behind them. This young teen placed his hand onto April's shoulder.

"Leo, I don't wanna go home yet," April said taking his hand off of her shoulder. His strawberry blonde curls were the exact same as Aprils.
Skyler turned to face Miley again and she started to whisper,

"are they brother and sister?"

"We are twins actually" This boy said interrupting them again. He span round to lock eye contact with Skyler. His eyebrows raised and he held out his hand.

"I'm Leo. April's twin. Nice to meet you ..?" Skyler hesitated before she said anything.

"Uh. I'm Skyler. Nice to meet you." He gave her a grin as he shook her hand.

"Leo!" April shouted. "Stop it."

"I'm not doing anything" he said whilst his eyes did not leave Skyler.
April slapped him causing his eyes to break away from Skylers face. Leo went and sat down the other side of April and was trying to convince her to come home as it was now 9pm already.

Ski looked round to face her brunette friend and said, "wow it's starting to get pretty late."

She glanced over to the crowd. That's when she saw him. She recognised him but could not be too sure.

The same brunette curls which amazed her and the warming brown eyes which made her feel safe and gave her a fuzzy feeling inside. She could point him out amongst thousands of people.
She saw the same hot body which gave her butterflies from just looking at. His smile mesmerising as ever. What is the chances of this? How could he be? That's when she realised she was staring. She turned back round to face Miley, that's when she was smirking at her.

That's when she started to panic as she realised Miley might of been watching her the whole time whilst she was gazing at him. Was Miley watching her the whole time? What must she be thinking. What if she tells someone? All these things were going through Skylers head until Miley leant over to her and whispered.

"His name is Elijah by the way. I wouldn't get caught up with him though." Miley giggled to her friend.

Inside Skyler was really frowning but she tried not too show it too much.
"Just warning you Ski" Miley lastly said placing her head onto the blondes shoulder. She looked over again and that's when he looked round. They faced each other once again.

She saw him look over and she quickly looked back at the burning fire in front of her.

"What about Leo tho? Isn't he meant to be sweet and innocent." Skyler began. Miley started to nod. " but he hangs out with Elijah. How does that work?"

Miley lifted her head up from Skis shoulder and grabbed each side of her head.

"Don't worry your pretty little mind." Miley said just laughing at her as she released Skykers head from her palms.

So much more things were going through her head than normal. She could just picture his body leant against the wall behind him.

He stood there still staring at this blonde. He could see her from miles, she stood out to him.Elijah couldn't tell if it was her ocean blue eyes which he could easily get lost in or if it was her golden blonde hair which he could remember still smelt like cherries. He saw her look away so he knew he had to do the same.

He tapped the person next to him and asked them, "do you know that girl over there?" The man shook his head. He pointed over to her again.

"That one over there, the cute blonde hair and the shining blue eyes?"

"I'm sorry I can't help you mate." The man said walking away.

Elijah gave out a massive sigh. "Why's it always me?" he whispered under his breath.

He stormed off dragging his feet with his head down. Elijah truly wasn't the happiest person to be around, he had been through so much in his lifetime but this girl. He knew she was the cure. The first laugh they shared. The first smile they shared, he knew she was the one. Elijah was already out of sight before Skyler could even turn back round to see if he was still there.

"Come on April." Leo started to say. "It's getting late now, mum is going to be worried sick about us and dads probably already on his way looking for us, we need to go."

April stood up and exhaled.

"Fine. Come on then." She said saying her goodbyes to her friends.

"Goodbye Skyler." Leo announced as he walked away.Skyler just smiled at him as he walked out of sight with April.

"I think he likes you Ski" Kyle explained laughing. Miley agreed with him.

Skyler put her head into her arms and just laughed it off. He was not the one who is on her mind - Elijah is.

"Hey guys can I ask you a question" Ski asked the two teens sat either side of her causing both of there attention.

"Ye sure." Miley replied.

"Do you think April likes me? I got a feeling she doesn't." Kyle and Miley immediately looked at each other before either of them said anything.

"Yeh she does" Kyle said pausing.

"She's just not the nicest person ever, but she has got a sweet side to her once you get to know her." Miley finished off.

"She hasn't got a sweet side at all Miley." Kyle replied giggling to himself.

"Okay, it's just she didn't seem to like me and I Just didn't know what I did wrong."

"Nah you didn't do anything, don't worry about her." Miley said to Ski trying to comfort her.
Skyler glanced down at the fire and sighed. She just couldn't get Eljiah out of her head.

Please let me know what you all think of this chapter and if you want me to keep posting and how regularly?

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Thanks loves <3

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