Chapter 5: into one flesh

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The couple next to her tapped her on the back of the shoulder and woke the girl from her sleep.
She woke up with a shock look on her face and just gawked around as she had forgotten where she was for a few seconds until she was face to face with the couple next to her giving her a smile.

"Hello, I'm sorry I didn't want to wake you but your stop is now i think as I overheard you when you got on here. I didn't want you to miss it thats all. I hope you didn't mind me waking you."the lady said to her picking up her suitcase and placing it on the table in front of Skyler.

Before she knew, it was already the end of her train journey.

"Aw thank you I really appreciate it and no I don't mind at all thank you again, have a safe trip both of you" Skyler said back to them whilst slowly making her way to the door. The lady and man both gave her a wave and smile as she stepped her way off the train with her suitcase dragging on behind her.

The shadowed sky sat above her as she walked through the crowd of people with lamp posts boxing her in.

She always kept herself to herself so big crowds like this always brought fear to her. She was looking around again like she was lost but knew she wasn't, Ski knew exactly where she was going she just didn't know if she was going to regret it or not.

Her hand gripped onto her suitcase as she could feel the overwhelming feelings creep up too her.
The blonde knew as soon as she got onto that plane she knew that there was no going back.

Bristol airport was right around the corner from the train station so it was not far for her to walk.

Street lamps surrounded her lighting up the perfect path leading right up to the doors of the airport. The paths felt small for her as the ground felt closer to her than ever before.

She had to get onto the plane before she was going to start changing her mind and turn back because she knew it wouldn't be long until she would start having doubts and the fear will take over.

She opened up the glass double doors into the airport and pushed through the crowds to the front desk.
This receptionist locked eyes with this blonde straight away as she started to ask, "Can I book a ticket for a flight to Greece for tonight, only for one person please?"
She slowly stepped back from the desk starting to get her purse out from her suitcase as fast as she could.

"Here's one ticket for Greece for tonight, have a nice flight." The lady said handing over Skylers ticket to her.

Skyler never realised until now how blunt these receptionists actually are, she just shrugged it off and made her way to the back of the cue to line up ready to board the plane.

The airport was filled with people. All the seats were taken, there was even people sat on the floor thats how busy it was. It was the most busiest the girl had ever seen it.

She stood in the cue and everyone around her was towering over her with friends and family with them. Her legs started to shake and so did her arms, she felt herself coming on a panic attack again.

Her fingers became stiff and gave off a fuzzy feeling; she kept pinching her fingers hoping to feel them again.

Her breathing became heavier and heavier as she was struggling to breathe constantly. Skyler didn't know what to do with herself.

She knew she had to try and stop before it got to bad otherwise they would refuse to let her on the plane. She took one deep breathe and said to herself, "Okay a few more times now Ski." Then she took another deep breath and exhaled.
The girl breathed in for 5 seconds and out for 7; she kept repeating this over and over again.

The pain in her exhale was haunting, you could tell she really wasn't finding this easy.

By the time she finally calmed herself down the cue was over and she was at the front of it waiting to aboard the plane.

She gave her ticket to the man next to her and he swiped it across the surface of where he was sat and it gave out a loud beep.

"Make your way out these doors and follow the arrows onto the plane, have a safe flight" the man said giving back her ticket to her.

Skyler took her ticket back and started rolling her suitcase out the door. "Umm is this the right way?" She asked an old lady which was stood ahead of her.

"Yes it is" the lady said sharply. Skyler raised her eyebrows and looked shocked as the lady stormed away from her. She thought to herself why was she so blunt for?
Skyler tried to not think much of it and carried on making her way to the plane.

She'd never been on a plane by herself before so this was a massive step for her. 'You only live once' she kept telling herself in her distressed mind.

The coldness grabbed her and caused her goosebumps leaving her to slowly start to shiver. The darkness was still trapping her.


It soon became later and later quicker than anyone thought. She was so concentrated on making this life changing commitment she totally lost track of the time. She soon realised that meant that it wouldn't be long until she had a phone call from her father asking her where she's gotten herself too. Even if he did ring her asking her where she's too, it wouldn't be because he was worrying about her it would be the complete opposite- that is what hurt Skyler the most.

The stairs leading up to the plane was very steep and she struggled to carry her suitcase up the stairs but she did it and she finally got to the top. She could feel the warm air from inside the plane strike her as she placed one foot into the plane.
She gave the suitcase to the lady next to her which guided on behind Skyler showing her where she had to go as she made her way through the plane.

More people were giving her glares, she thinks it was because she was alone and had no one with her and probably the fact she looked awfully young.
She always got judged because ever since her mother passed she always did things by herself so she was just used to it by now.

"Stop here, you can take a seat here." The lady said tapping Skyler on the shoulder to stop her from walking any further.

She stopped and shuffled along the seats to the window seats. She got her phone out of her pocket and placed it in the cup holder with her earphones.

"I'll put your bags up here." The lady said putting her bags above her in the cupboard.
Skyler gave her an awkward smile as the lady just smiled and walked off.

She sat down lonely, she was hoping that no one was going to sit next to her and it was going too be a peaceful flight.

The Benson girl knew this was her time to get some sleep again before she landed.

She gently placed her  head down  against the brim of the window and covered herself up with the blanket her mother gave to her as a child. She then started to drift off into another deep sleep ready for the new life waiting for her...

Heyyy! I hope you guys like this chapter. It ain't the best but it's okay lol

Please remember to comment what you think and let me know what you want to see more of and what you thinks going to happen : )
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Thanks my loves <3

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