Chapter 10: i couldnt burn

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Miley sat down on a log in front of the flaming hot fire. Ski came and sat beside her as the people around them started introducing themselves.

Skyler didn't know where to look. She didn't want to make eye contact with anyone at the slightest but then she didn't want to be rude so she stared directly at the flames that kept burning in front of her. Miley sat there oblivious of everything it seemed until she looked over at me then back at the two friends sat the other side of her and just laughed.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Miley said trying to stop herself from laughing. "Okay guys this is Skyler, she's my new friend so you'll be seeing a lot of her."

"Nice to meet you I'm Kyle." The black haired boy said whilst leaning over Miley and holding out his hand whilst giving Skyler a grin. Skyler beamed a nervous smile back as she shook his hand. "Yes I am gay before you ask" he said laughing away to himself.

"Oh I wasn't going to ask but okay." Skyler said joining him laughing until there laughing got cut out.

"I'm April by the way" a voice said. Skyler looked over to April and smiled.

"Nice to meet you April." April smiled and looked straight away again. This strawberry blonde made Ski feel very uncomfortable as she seemed quite blunt compared to the others.

"Don't worry about her. She keeps herself to herself" Kyle said loudly hoping April would hear him.

Ski really liked Kyle. He seemed a very genuine guy and she loved his vivid green eyes and his straight shaggy hair. She also adored April's lovely strawberry blonde hair and her dazzling blue eyes.

"So Skyler" Kyle started to say. "How long have you been here for?" Skyler froze. She didn't know what to say.

"I only got here today."

April looked over at her and raised her eyebrows.

"So Miley. You invite her with you when she's been here for not even 24 hours how can you invite her here?" April said rolling her eyes.
Miley sharply turned to face April and she screwed her face up and frowned.

"Honestly April, if you don't like it you don't have to be here. Skylers done nothing wrong so watch what your saying." Miley argued back starting to rise her voice. Kyle also faced April and raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

"I do agree with Miley on this April." She rolled her eyes again and huffed.

Miley turned and faced Ski again. "Don't listen to her, she's just not the most friendliest person ever" Miley whispered to her.

Ski didn't know what to think. She knew she hadn't done anything so she was so confused why April hated her already.

"Have you come here alone or have you come with parents?" Kyle asked another question. This was what made Ski have to think. Does she tell them the truth? Does she lie? She didn't awnser.

"Skyler?" He asked again.

"Oh yeah, I came with my mum and dad and my brother and sister." She said quickly. She freezes. She realised she just told them a massive lie she knew she could never go back on.

"Oo very nice, what does your parents do for a job. Mine are lawyers." He questioned proudly. Miley smacked Kyle on the knee causing him to shout.

"What was that for?"

"Stop asking Skyler all these questions, leave her be" she said with a slight giggle.

"It's alright don't worry Kyle." Kyle looked over at Miley and stuck his tongue out as far as he could and just laughed at her.

"So my question then Skyler?" Miley smacked his knee again.

"My mum is also a lawyer and my dad is uh an actor," Skyler replied.

This blonde soon had a frown to her face. She wish everything she was saying was truly true. That's when her dad came back to her mind again. She had to take her mind off of it straight away so she fired away a question at Kyle quickly.

"So do you go to school with Miley?" She asked.

"Yes I do. Are you gonna be joining our school with us?" Kyle also asked.

This question caught April's attention more then anything creating her to gawk over at Skyler like she was waiting for a response.

"I'm going Eastwood high, is that where you are?"

"Uhh really? So your gonna be at my school as well." April expressed.

"April. Leave her alone. If your going to be like this you can leave not her" Miley told her. She then looked back round towards Skyler and carried on speaking,

"anyway, yes that is the school we go to Skyler. That'll be cool at least you will know some people when you get there."

This brought a lot of comfort to Skyler knowing she is going to the same school as at least Kyle and Miley. She was not so stressed about school anymore which was one less situation on her mind.

The darkness circling them eventually took over and it was no longer light outside. Time went swiftly and it was already 8:30pm.

The sand below them was warm and soft, the moon sparkly shone intensely above them and reflected down onto the ocean below.

The ocean was a dark blue as the night faded away it's colour. The waves were calming but the sound they made was even more soothing. They brought relaxation to almost everyones ears. This was Skylers safe place - the beach.

She used to go to the beaches round her towns all the time with her mum, so this wasn't just a safe place for her, it was a hard place for her to be.

The rest of the night Ski and her new friends talked and got to know each other.
One thing which remained in this stressed Blondes head was the lies she had told. What if they find out? How will they react? Am I doing the right thing? Her thoughts were becoming more overwhelming than ever.



I hope you guys like this chapter! Please let me know in the comments what you think of it, and what you think I can improve and what your dislikes and likes are : )

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The more comments and votes the more motivation I get!

Thanks loves <3

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