Chapter 6: When your not next to me

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The plane left. There was no going back.

She was now out of the hateful country and ready to start her new life ahead of her. She had no idea how it was going to go but all she knew that she had to take things slow if she wanted this to work for her. This was where her new story begins...

Skyler didn't want to start to this new life without her mum but she knew she had too. She had to start the new chapter of her life 'Mum will be happy for me, it's what she would of wanted for me' was what was repeating in her own thoughts.


"Hello? Hello? Are you alright?" A voice said which startled Skyler from her sleep.

Her intense aquamarine eyes swiftly opened and they became directly in contact with another pair of eyes next to her. They were a gorgeous soft brown colour which Skyler immediately noticed.
She quickly jumped up and gently turned her head towards this brunette seated next to her. A smile automatically rised on her face.

"Did I startle you? Oh I'm sorry that was rude, I'm Eljiah" He said in a soft deep voice whilst trying to give her a smile back without seeming too awkward.

"No no it's fine it wasn't rude don't worry. I should be waking up anyway now, I'm probably nearly at my destination, whe-?"

"So what-?" He interrupted her. "I'm sorry, carry on" he politely told her.

"Where did you come from. Oh wait sorry that sounded like really rude as well but let me start this again." she giggled. "You weren't here before I fell asleep and now you are, where did you come from?" She awkwardly smiled at him as her eyes were still fluttering from just waking up.
"oh no! I look awful when I sleep no. How long have you been there for?" She continued starting to panic.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes at the blonde and gave out a slight chuckle.

"I just saw you over here alone and thought I might of come over to give you some company, I haven't been here long and you looked fine," he said reassuring her. " what's your name?"

Her eyes looked down at her feet and then back up to lock eyes with Elijah again.

"My names Skyler"

"Well, Skyler, where you off too then?"

"Uh Greece," she said giving out a yawn.

"Are you tired? I'm very sorry for waking you up"

Skyler shook her head and replied, "no no it's okay I'm not too tired actually, I'm not really sure why I yawned in all honesty."

Skylers legs were dangling over her seat and just swinging back and forth as these two teens sat there in a comforting silence. There was tension between the two of them but it was a nice sort of tension, it was the type of tension which made them both weirdly happy.

The pair sat side by side as there arms vaguely touched one another.
Eljiah let off a gloomy vibe too Skyler which caused her to be confused of his whole personality. She liked that about him though he was very mysterious.

The plane was unusually quiet, you could hear people chatting but it was like it was distant speaking that's how echoed and quiet it was in the plane. A beeping sound came from all the speakers in the plane causing silence to invade.

"Everyone please place your seatbelts back on as we are getting ready to land, thank you"a squeaky voice said. Another beep occurred and everyone started quietly chatting again.

"This is our stop then" Skyler explained to him.
He froze. Just starring at her.
"Elijah?" She said raising her eyebrows.

He shook his head in embarrassment as he realised how obvious it was that he was staring at her.

"oh ye, sorry about that,I better get back to my seat then."

It went silent as these two teens kept giving each other beaming smiles.

Elijah got up from his seat and stood there leaning on the back of the seat and looked back round at Skyler.

"Until we meet again love" he softly said giving her a wink causing butterflies in Skylers stomach.

She waved him bye as he started to walk his way to the back of the plane leaving this mesmerised blonde in shock. She slammed her head back against her seat once again and stared up at the ceiling and sighed.

She felt all fuzzy inside and her smile would just not leave her face. She had a warm sensation in her like she needed to scream but with happiness. She couldn't get the picture of him out of her mind. With his golden soft brown eyes and charming smile. She had never felt this way before, she was so confused on what was happening to her.

She stepped up from her seat as the plane landed. She reached above her seat to grab her suitcase and put it onto the floor. She reached back over the seats to pick her phone and earphones back up from the same place she left them. She double checked and made sure she had everything before she made her way to the exit of the plane.

Everyone around her tried to push past her trying to get to the exit in a rush. She gripped the back of the seat helping her keep her balance as men, woman and kids were pushing past her, until most people were already gone from the plane.

She turned her head around behind her to see if it was clear to start making her way out, that's when she saw him again. The butterflies in her stomach retreated back again and the warm feeling came rushing back which finally made her feel not so lonely anymore.

Skyler looked at him, it was like she was waiting for him to say or do something but he did not do none of the sort.
She smiled at him and they engaged eye contact once again for a split second but he broke it and gave her a frown. He started to walk towards the exit, he was nearly past her by this time. He tried not too look at her like she was a sun and trying to burn his eyes. He planted his head down as his chin rested on his chest as he walked past Skyler and lifted his head up slowly as he got to the exit.

Skyler stood there in shock as she knew she hoped for too much.

"What? What have I done" she mumbled to herself.
She exhaled and huffed as she picked up her suitcase and rapidly walked out of the exit of the plane and made her way to car park where she saw a bunch of Taxis waiting there.

She didn't know what an earth to think. Was he ignoring her? Did none of that mean anything to him because she knew there was a vibe going on between them but was it just her that could feel it?

She glanced over to the other side of the car park. She saw him getting into a taxi alone, she couldn't face looking at him anymore so she sharply turned her head away and walked over to the door of one of the Taxis closest to her.

She plopped herself into it and placed her suitcase down on the floor of the taxi and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Wow, whats got you into a mood then?" The taxi man asked laughing.

"Just take me to the nearest hotel please"

"Okay okay" he said sighing.

It was silent until he then said "want to talk about it?"

Skylers eyes was fixed out the window staring at all the beautiful attractions around Greece.
It was such a colourful beautiful place to be. Skyler didn't know whether she should explain to this stranger about what was troubling her mind but then again she knew she would have no one else to tell so this was the only chance of venting about it.

"So there's this boy I met on the plane..." Skyler started to explain.

Heyyy! This chapter is a tad bit weird ngl😭

I hope you guys like it tho, and let me know what you think of it in the comments below!
And don't forget to vote :)

Thanks loves

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