Chapter 14: tonight

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She picked up her phone from her bed side cabinet and glanced at it as it read,
' Layla was ringing'.
Ski was really confused as to why Layla was ringing her but with no hesitation she answered it.

"Hello. Layla?" Skyler said excitedly.

"Oh my god Ski! Are you ok? Where are you?" The voice said down the other end of the phone.

"The less you know the better okay? But I'm alright, I have so much to tell you tho oh my god." she squealed knowing that she had so much to tell her best friend.

Ski didn't know whether to tell her best friend everything that has happened but then she thought she could but just not mention where she's too.

"Okay okay, phew. As long as your okay. But why did you run off like you did? Your dad has told me to try ring you. I've been trying to ring you, I've been so worried Ski. what happened?"

That's when Skylers heart dropped.

Her dad.

"No you can't tell my dad you've got in contact with me. I can't let him know where I've gone. promise me lay you won't tell him or anyone."

"Ski chill. I don't even know where your too but I won't say anything don't worry. What happened on the night of the funeral tho. That must of been the night you left because ever since then I haven't managed to get hold of you."

Skyler didn't say a word. She didn't know what to say.

"it wasn't your dad again was it?" Layla asked sounding concerned.

Ski didn't answer again. Layla was sat there worried for her best friend, in silence waiting for an answer .

"He did it again Layla" she said starting to sob. Skylers heart sunk as she finally said it aloud. It felt good to say it but it really made her mind twist a great deal.
"So I had to get away, this was the only chance I would have to run and I had to do it fast I'm sorry," this upset teen continued.

"Without saying goodbye?" Layla said whilst sighing. "Look I'm not trying to be judgemental at all okay? But you left me, your best friend, behind. Can I at least see you? We can move away together and start fresh just what we talked about as kids." Layla asked her.

"No no. You have your whole life there Layla. You have your parents, family, your boyfriend and amazing grades you can't leave all that behind for me. What sort of best friend would I be to let you do that?" Skyler said trying to be persuasive in order for Layla to stay.

It's not the fact Ski didn't want her best friend to come with her because she would want nothing more than for that to happen, it's just she knows how good Layla's life is going at the moment for her and she doesn't want to be the one to mess it up for her and bring her down because that would not be fair.

"Skyler Benson. you've always been stubborn" the two shared a laugh with each other as they both just enjoyed there company.


The night went by fast.

The two best friends were up late chatting about everything and anything. Skyler even mangaged to tell Layla about the brunette who seems to be playing a big part in her mind. Her best friend was so pleased for her.

" I should be getting going because I got school tomorrow" Layla said yawning.

Skyler peered down at the clock beside her.

"god I didn't realise how late it was"

"Never mind Ive enjoyed speaking to you Ski, well I hope you sleep alright and we will talk soon I promise and Ski please take care of yourself for me." Layla announced sounding concerned.

"I'll be fine. Take care of yourself for me please. And have a good day at school tomorrow and talk soon."

The two friends said there goodbyes and ended the phone as both went straight into silence.
Skyler threw herself back onto her bed and looked around her room like she was awaiting for something.

"Ski Ski" said someone shouting whilst barging into her room. Skyler jerked herself upwards to see Miley standing in the door way of the door as she exhaled deeply. Miley continued as she saw the shock on Skylers face,

"I'm so sorry for pushing in here like this"Miley said as she was trying to catch her breath back. "you needed clothes for tomorrow for school, I was meant to give it to you but I didn't, im so sorry."

Miley was trying her hardest to get her breath back as she pulled out a bag full of clothes from behind her. At this point Miley was heavily breathing more than ever.

"Thank you Miley your a star. Why couldn't you of come in the morning tho?" Ski said starting to laugh. The brunette screwed up her face and stared at the floor beneath her.

"I'm Not sure why I didn't just do that, it just came to my mind quickly and after having a few drinks and that I feel a bit yanno.." Miley stopped herself from saying anymore as she fell to the floor with a bang.

"Miley!" ski shouted as she knelt down on the floor to comfort Miley.

Skyler realised that Miley had now fainted. She was so confused on what had happened until she finally leant closer to Miley and that's when she began to smell the stench of alcohol coming from Mileys breath.

"Alcohol" Skyler paused. "Of course it is."

Skyler grabbed Mileys arms and slowly picked her up and watchfully put her onto the single spare bed as she flopped herself down onto the bed next to the spare bed which was hers.

Skyler was so tired, her mind was swivelling constantly. All she could think about was him. The brunette who lead butterflies to her stomach every time she thought about him. The memories this blonde had of him replayed in her head over and over again provoked her to crave more memories.
She flung her hands forwards to place them over her face as she sighed in anger.

"I need to go to sleep for gods sake" Skyler whispered to herself as she slid her phone under her pillow once again and laid her head back down above her pillow while she gradually shut her eyes.


5 minutes had passed and Skyler was already drifted off to sleep once again, helping getting her ready for the next day full of school ahead of her.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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