Chapter 7: im incomplete

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"I have never felt like this about anyone ever before"

"Oooo how do you feel then?" He interrupted her.

He glanced at her through the mirror and could just see her smiling to herself in the back.

"I'm not sure, it's just a feeling in my stomach. I can't stop picturing him in my head.

"love at first sight" he laughed interrupting her again. She shot her head straight up and just gawked over at him.

"You clearly know nothing," she giggled at him. "It's not love at first sighted, what you on about?"

He smirked at her when she was trying her hardest to deny the way she feels. "I met him today, I've known him for about 35 minutes. I'm not. I'm not in love with him, that would be mad." She said to him acting confused herself also laughing.

"I didn't say you were in love, I'm just saying if you are feeling how you are explaining to me right now, it's love at first sight" he defended himself.

"Whatever you say and anyway it doesn't matter." She mumbled and a frown soon took over her face. He glanced at her again in the mirror looking even more confused then before.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter, of course is does."

She sighed and just swung her eyes to the floor.
The scary thing about this was the way Skylers whole mood changed when she realised he probably doesn't feel the same. He saw the pain her eyes.

"Tell me more about him them and let me be the judge of that okay?" The man kindly said to her.

Skyler looked up from the floor and started saying,

"No I don't want too sorry." Skyler didn't want to no longer talk to this taxi driver about all this, she had a weird feeling about him and it felt odd for her that she was explaining her life story to a complete stranger.

A few weeks ago she would of thought to herself that she was mad.

Skyler has had a hole in her heart and her life that's been waiting to be filled up for ages. When she was with Elijah that hole felt like it was finally filling up and making her feel complete.

The blonde also knew that this was insane she was thinking this as she only knew the boy for less than an hour but the girl knew exactly how she felt about this gorgeous brunette boy.

The rest of the Taxi ride was silent, the tension in the air was thick between the two. Until the man said,

"here's your stop."

She un-clipped  her seat belt and squeezed her hands together causing her to let out a sigh. She glanced down at the scratches on her hands where she's been fiddling the whole car ride.

That's when she realised they were bright red and you could see the finger nail dents where she's scratched too hard. A stinging pain took over her whole arm causing her eyes to tear up.

"Thank you for the ride." Skyler replied to him whilst picking up her suitcase with her left hand whilst holding the other one completely still by her side. "I guess I should say thank you for listening too my whole life story" she laughed one more time.

She opened the door and stepped out and looked around her. There were bright and colourful flowers everywhere she laid her eyes.

The sun looked like it was just coming up as it lit up the sky perfecting every cloud in sight.

She waved goodbye to the taxi and shut the door. "I guess this is where it starts" she said trying to let a smile out but instead her face was full of nerves

First things first. She had to get to her hotel where she was staying so she knew where she would at least be staying for the time being.

She walked round to the front of the hotel. The hotel she was staying at was massive, there were thousands of windows with blue outlines which caught Skylers first attention.

She stumbled her way through the double glass doors. There were plants everywhere around the reception, it was a beautiful layout. There were loads of vending machines scattered around the room but she made her way straight to the desk in front of her.

The lady behind the desk greeted her very nicely and said, "Hello, welcome to Court Hotel Of Greece. How may i assist you?" giving a forceful smile towards this lonely blonde.

Skyler rested her arms on the counter and said, "Please can i have a room for one please." They both shared a smile.

"Yes of course, how long will you be wanting this room for? "

"Uh, about two weeks but if I want to stay longer after the two weeks will It be necessary to stay for longer?And how much would it be for the first two weeks?" Skyler enquired.
The lady looked down at her computer and started to type on the computer in front of her.

"Uh that would be about £450 for the first two weeks and the same price for the two weeks after that, if you do end up staying you can just re do the payment there and then alright?" She said collecting the keys from the hanger behind her. "Will you be paying through card?" She also asked handing the keys over the desk.

That's when it hit her. Her card. Was it still going to be active? Will there be money in there still? All these thoughts were overwhelming in her head.

"I guess I will have to see if it works" she quietly mumbled to herself. "Yes I -uh I will be paying through card." She replied stuttering.

The girl knew if she payed on her card now the cash could come in handy a bit later on.

The card was already out of her pocket as the lady got the machine out and placed it onto the top counter just in front of Skylers arms.

The stressed out teen gave her the card and just stood there in silence. The card swiped across the machine making a beeping noise. She let another sigh of relief out. The card was obviously still valid. The lady gave Skyler back her card and her keys for her room.

She waved to the receptionist as she walked through the doors into the corridor in front of her. "Number 46" she said sounding confused.

"So that is number 40 and that one is 42 and that one is 44, so 46 must be round the corner." Skyler carried on walking round the corner until she was forcefully stopped.
She fell to the floor as so did this young teen opposite her.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't see anyone coming I'm so sorry." The young brunette said.

She jumped up from the floor picking herself and Skyler suitcase up. She held out her hand and Skyler grabbed onto it as she helped pull her to her feet.

"Hi I'm Miley. Miley Bennet in fact, and you are?" the brunette teen asked whilst shaking the blondes hand.

"Hi I... I'm Skyler." She said shyly.

I'm so sorry I've taken a bit longer to update.

I hope you all like this chapter.

So how do we feel about Skyler telling this random taxi man her whole life story aha?

But please let me know in the comments what you would like to see and what you think of this chapter and remember to vote :)

Thanks loves <3

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