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"I can see that," Namjoon replies looking at the two young girls.
"So who are you? And how do you know my neighbor?" Mrs. Sung asks them impatiently.
"We are friends of Charlie." Jimin explains, walking closer to the woman. "And we came to pick up some clothes for her."
"Why would you need to do that?" The elderly woman was looking at them suspiciously.
"I know who you are?" The bigger girl exclaimed from behind Mrs. Sung.
"You do?" Namjoon walks next to Jimin to crouch down to be on eye level.
"You are Koya's appa!" The oldest informs him coming closer.
"And you are Chimmy's." She adds, looking at Jimin.
"Oh! So, you do know who we are! And what is your name?"
"My name is Moon and this is my sister Jia." The girl yanks her sister out of her hidden spot behind Mrs. Sung.
"What beautiful names." Jimin compliments them both.
"Is Cooky's appa also here?" Jia asks shyly, looking at Jimin with big eyes.
"No, not now. He is staying with Tata's dad." Namjoon lets the girls know.
"Do you want to come in?" Moon offers but Mrs. Sung stops her.
"Do you know them, Moon?" She questions the girl.
"Yes, they are part of the most popular band right now. That is RM and that's Jimin." She points at the men with a smile, making both males smile back.
"Okay, then the girls seem to know you. Come in and explain why you need to get these things for Charlie."
Namjoon and Jimin thank her before following the three inside the apartment.
As they sit around the table sipping at a glass of water, they explain what has happened to Charlie. Jimin was glad that the girls have been playing in the living room not aware that their mum was not coming home tonight.
"I can watch the girls for now but I will be leaving in two days. My sister is having surgery in Busan and needs me there to watch her store and her house. Charlie knew already about my plans and had made arrangements but unfortunately, I do not know what they are."
The men talk some more about the whole situation, not knowing what they will do in two days.
"Let me talk with the rest of the group and I will come back tomorrow to see what solution we have found."
"Do you two young men really have kids?" She suddenly asks out of the blue.
"No, why would you think that?" Jimin replies shocked.
"Because the girls said you were appa's." Namjoon and Jimin start to laugh.
"What they meant were dolls that we created!" The leader explains, pointing at Chimmy that is lying on the couch. "That is Jimin's boy."
The elderly woman smiles and replies that she loves the one Jia is holding right now.
"Tata?" Jimin asks her to which she nods, "He is Taehyung's doll, the man that Charlie saved."
"I still cannot understand what happened today."
After another five minutes, Mrs. Sung brings the two men to the apartment next door, packing up clothes for them to bring to the hospital.  She assures her that she will take care of the kids for now and that she hopes they can find a solution for them.

On their ride back to the hospital, both men are discussing the possibilities for taking care of the kids.
They can only come up with two solutions that they decide to tell their friends about when they are back at the dorm. Taehyung should not be involved in it until he has recovered.
Jimin visits Charlie at the hospital, handing the nurse her clothes to change and placing the rest of the other items where they belong.
As he places the family picture on the container next to her bed, looking over how happy they look.
"You have two beautiful daughters, " he tells her as he holds her hand. "Please wake up. They need you and Taehyung needs you too."
Jimin does not know if he sees things but to him, she smiles at his comment.

Later back at the dorm, Namjoon and Jimin ask the rest to sit down in the living room for a meeting.
"So we went to Charlie's home today, " Namjoon starts, looking at his friends' faces, "when we reached her apartment, we found out that..."
"She has two little girls." Jimin blurts out, looking at Jin's shocked face.
"She has kids?" Yoongi asks astonished.
"Yes, two sweet girls named Moon and Jia." Namjoon continues, "They are with her neighbor now."
"At least, they are not alone," Jin exclaims relieved.
"Yes, for now. Mrs. Sung, the neighbor, needs to leave in two days and she cannot take the kids with her." Jimin informs the group.
"Then they stay with us." Jungkook tells them as if it was the most normal thing to do.
"That is one of the options, we both considered on our ride back." Namjoon tells them.
"What was another one?" Yoongi inquired of the leader.
"Letting child services taking care of them for the time Charlie is at the hospital."
"Never!" Hoseok shouted out. "She saved Tae's life. I do not agree with letting these kids down. I vote to take them in with us."
"We are on a hiatus anyway," Yoongi adds already agreeing with Hoseok.
"Okay, let's do this democratically. Who is against bringing the kids to the dorm?" Not one hand goes up at Namjoon's request.
"Who is in favor to take them in?" All go up apart from Jin, who hesitates.
"What is it Jin-hyung?" Yoongi inquires of him.
"I am not sure if we can take care of two young girls. Where would they stay? What do they eat? Do we need to buy toys?" The oldest explains why he hesitates.
"Basically you are not against bringing them here but you do not know how to spoil them?" Hoseok points out, making the group laugh. Jin nods and smiles at his friends.
"Okay. I will go and inform Mrs. Sung tomorrow as well as bringing the girls here. I already can tell that they are big BT21 fans." Namjoon lets his brothers know.
"Do we tell Taehyung?" Jungkook asks in a worried tone.
"I say no for now, " Namjoon instructs, "let him recover fully before we get into the details on his lifesaver and her family."
They all agree even if Yoongi expresses his feeling that it might hurt him to not be told earlier.

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