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Taehyung does not even know why he is so nervous, it is not like Charlie will walk down the aisle, knocking him out of his shoes with how stunning she will look. Yet, this morning his nerves are all over the place.
"Hey, calm down. It will all be okay!" Jimin tells him as they sit around the table having breakfast.
"I am calm," Tae replies, giggling, his spoon shaking in his hand.
"Yeah, we all can see that!" Yoongi intervenes, rolling his eyes.
"Do you have the paper ready?" Tae inquires of the rapper, laying his spoon down.
"Yeah, it is my room. I will get it later."
Taehyung stares Yoongi down.
"All right calm down Tiger, I will get it now."
Jimin chuckles as he watches his hyung hurrying to his room, grumbling.
"Hey, stop worrying. Like I said..."
"I know! It will all be okay."
Tae lets out a deep breath, trying to control his emotions.
"The girls are ready!" Hoseok exclaims as he enters the dining area. "Come on, don't be shy my beauties."
Taehyung has tears in his eyes when he watches the two girls walking towards him. They each have pale pink dresses on with white shoes and a tiara in their hair.
"Oh my, look at you. You are real princesses." Tae crouches down to pick them up and spin them around. The little girls cannot stop giggling.
"Hey! Have you started the party without us?" Jungkook exclaims with a pout as he strolls in through the front door next to Jin.
The maknae comes to take the two kids out of Taehyung's arms to sit them at the table.
"We bought Donuts!!!" Jin lets out as he places a big bag on the table.
"You are spoiling them too much," Taehyung advises the oldest.
"Who said it is for them?" Jungkook says his mouth already full with a donut.
"Hyung!" Tae raises an eyebrow as he looks at Jin, "you have already spoiled that one!"
Everyone starts to laugh as they watch Jungkook acting all innocent.
Yoongi comes back with the paper in hand.
"Here. It should be good enough to make you a married man."
Jimin looks over Tae's shoulder at the paper.

"Hyung? Could you not add some sweet words?" The dancer asks Yoongi, shaking his head in disbelief

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"Hyung? Could you not add some sweet words?" The dancer asks Yoongi, shaking his head in disbelief.
"The office does not need that. He can get his cheesy lines once his wife is back with him." The rapper explains pouring more coffee into his mug.
"Where is Namjoon-hyung?" Hoseok consults as he watches so the girls don't stain their dresses.
"In his room, on the phone, making sure our schedule is clear for today," Yoongi informs the group.
"Daddy Taetae! You need to get dressed!" Moon shouts over the men talking.
"Yeah, you need to be pretty for Mommy," Jia adds, leaning towards Hoseok to have her mouth cleaned with a napkin.
"Handsome!" Tae replies, "I want to look handsome for your Mommy, my wife."
"Never thought Tae would be the first one to get married." Jin suddenly tells the group with tears in his eyes.
"If you wait 15 years, I will marry you Samchon Jin," Jia notifies him with a smile.
"You are cute, Sweetie."
"But I have one condition."
The group looks at the small girl pointing her finger in the air.
"You need to cook my favorite dish every day when we are married."
The men and Moon starts to laugh out loud.
"Deal Jia. If I marry you in fifteen years, I will cook your favorite dish every day." Jin comes closer and kisses the girl that has the biggest smile, on top of her head.
"Tae, the girls are right though. You need to get ready. We want to go see Charlie before we have the appointment with the marriage registration and adoption bureau." Jimin shoves his friend towards his bedroom.

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