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All the characters belong to Richelle Mead
Chapter 7

Rose POV

I woke up the next day and went to training with Dimitri.

- Hey Comrade.

- Hey Rose you ready.

- Sure what are we doing this beautiful way to early morning.

- You are going to spare against Alberta and I.

- Cool where is she?

- I'm right here Rose, said Alberta.

- Hey Alberta how are you doing?

- Good how about you?

- Great.

We all got in position and started I had them down and groaning on the mat in fifteen minutes.

- Sorry guys I think I went a bit to rough, I apologized.

-Rose it's fine we went you to be pushed so you can be the strongest, explained Alberta, it was fun Rose I hope we can do this again but now I have to go have a nice day you two.

Once she got outside Dimitri asked.

- Do you want to go running like yesterday we can have a race if you want Roza?

- I would love too and you are going down in that race.

Since the whole school was sleeping we changed into our animals in the gym and ran to the old racing track behind the school, since nobody uses it anymore, to calculate our speed. After about thirty minutes we were sweating and changed back into our human forms and went back to the gym to take a shower.

- You can run fast Mitri, but I told you you were going down in that race.

- Yes Roza you can run fast are you happy.

- Yes I am Comrade cause now I have another thing to tease.

- Roza you do know I have somethings that I can tease you about to right?

- Yes I do know but who says they would believe you nobody but Lissa knows that we were best friends when we were little, I laughed.

- Where? he asked.

- Where what?

- You said that we where best friends.

- Mitri I'm sorry I just didn't use the right word you still are one of my bestfriends, I said and hugged him since there was nobody around.

He hugged back and whispered "good" in my hair in response I just hugged him tighter, after a few minutes we let go and went to the gym this time they were guardians training and I had about ten minutes before I had to take a shower and go to the cafeteria.

- Hey do you guys want to spare with me? I asked they looked at me as if I was crazy I guess they didn't hear who I was. I didn't know who they were either.

- You think you can beat us both? one of them asked.

- I know I can, I answered.

- Rose don't do this, said Dimitri.

- Well Comrade where would be the fun in that.

- Alright if you want to be feel bad cause you got beaten come on I'll fight with you, said the second one.

- Trust me I'm not the one who is going to feel bad and I suggest you go two against me, I said.

They agreed but before I got in position Dimitri pulled me aside.

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