Chapter nine

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Mia woke up in bed and groaned. She felt the nausea hit her as she stood from bed and rushed to the bathroom as she started to throw up, Mia felt someone walk in and hold her head back as she looked to see Tom and smiled

"are you okay" Tom asked as Mia groaned as she finished throwing yo and sighed as she flushed the toilet and wiped her mouth and sighed as she rested her head against the bath and smiled

"I'm okay, I'm just feeling rotten, it's hard than I thought being pregnant and it's nothing any of us talking about, I do want kids I just didn't expect to fall pregnant so quick" she said as Tom nodded

"I do but we were never careful and I know it's earlier than we planned but it will be okay, I love you and I want to do all I can so that I can make it work, so we can make it work" Tom said as he helped her to her feet and smiled as he looked to her

"I love you, you know that don't you" Mia said as he kissed the top of her head and smiled

"and I love you. And our baby and no matter what happens we are stronger than our stupid arguments" Tom said as Mia looked to him and chuckled   

Mia got to work and smiled as she saw Esmè "you look as terrible as I feel" Mia said as Esmè looked to her and sighed

"max and I had a fight, a few days ago. He walked off and he hasn't come back and I found out I'm pregnant, what if he doesn't come back and I have to do this alone. I don't know if I can do it alone" Esmè said as Mia looked to her and smiled. She knew how Esmè and max was complicated and she felt awful for her best friend

"max may be a bit of a jerk but I see how he looks at you. He needs some time to cool down but he won't leave you alone with a baby, he wouldn't leave his child and you know that" Mia said as Esmè sighed

"yeah, it's just a mess and it's all complicated and I don't know what to think" Esmè said as Mia nodded

"call him, tell him your sorry and you want to make up and tell him. Tell him your pregnant" Mia said as Esmè looked to her and nodded

"who made you the expert" Esmè asked as Mia and chuckled

"I told you Tom and I are trying without the arguing and so far it's good and I know it won't last forever but I don't need the stress when I'm pregnant" Mia said as Esmè smiled

Mia lay on the sofa and smiled as Tom walked in with flowers

"baby" she said as she sat up

"I got you these as you were feeling down and I can't Buy you Prosecco and I got you some chocolates but I dunno if you can handle it with the sickness" Tom said as Mia smiled

"It will be okay and I appreciate the gesture baby I really do and maybe I can make it up to you later" she said smirking as she leant in and kissed him as he pulled her close and kissed her back but could Mia and Tom really have a steady relationship knowing how toxic they could be

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