Chapter eighteen

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Mia looked to Tom as he was down on one knee. She was in shock that he had proposed. She looked into his blue eyes as she felt a kick and winced.

She walked out of the room and to the bathroom as she wiped her face. She felt sick that Tom had proposed

"Mia" Tom said as he knocked on the door as she groaned as she answered the door and looked to him and smiled

"Sorry it's just a shock and then I felt nauseous" mia said as Tom smiled

"Your saying no aren't you?" Tom asked as mia looked to him and frowned

"What i never said that. Our relationship has been toxic and we're just getting along we are having a baby and I can see how hard both of us are trying I just want to make sure you want this for the right reason not because I am pregnant" Mia said as Tom looked to her and smiled

"I meant it. I love you Mia and I know that we have a toxic relationship but I want you to be my wife and I want you to marry me so I will ask you one more time" Tom said as he got down on one knee and looked to her and smiled

"Mia rose carter will you do the honour of being my wife and will you marry me?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"Yeah I will" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her ad she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close

Mia got to work and smiled as she saw Esme and smiled "so how is the soon to be married woman?" Esme asked as mia looked to her and smiled

"I'm good. I'm really good. I know how Tom and I are and how toxic that we can be but I love him more than anything as we are going to be parents and I guess it's safe to say that our marriage won't be boring" Mia said as Esme looked to her and smiled

"One thing that you and Tom are is not boring, don't you worry" Esme said as mia smiled. She placed a hand in her small bump and smiled

Mia knew that all of this scared her but she did want to make it work and she believed that despite it all that she and Tom had been through and how toxic that they were. She believed they could make it work

Mia lay in bed next to Tom. They had just finished having sex. She rolled over to face him and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"Are you okay?" He asked as she smiled

"I'm good. I know how things aren't always easy with me and you but I love you and you love me and I believe that we can do this" she said as Tom smiled

"We're going to be parents and we're becoming better people and we will fight it's me and you it's natural but the making up is always good and I promise you everything will be okay" Tom said as he leant in and kissed Mia

Mia smirked into the kiss. She wanted to believe he was right but did she had a reason to be worried?

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