9. Speechless

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just a warning - this chapter contains sexual content, if you are under the age of 18 or are uncomfortable reading any of it please just don't okay thank you

The moment Cosette's lips touched George's, all of the air had left her lungs. The hand that rested on his chest trailed upwards to hold the side of his face as every thought screaming at her about why this could be a bad idea vanished from her mind. The feelings of both pleasure and panic shot through her but when George's grip moved from the counter to her hip, nothing else seemed to matter.

The taste of vodka and orange juice was strong in her mouth but when her lips parted the distinct mixture of cinnamon and gin on his tongue became intoxicating and although he was kissing her, Cosette could sense the hesitation from the way his lips gently moved against hers.

And she didn't want gentle.

George pulled back the slightest bit and rested his forehead against hers again. That was when the panic sunk in again and Cosette dropped her hand, expecting to see a face full of regret when she looked up.

He clenched his jaw as his eyes darted all over her face. At first, Cosette couldn't make out any sense of dread in his expression, but then she couldn't make out anything else either. George had been a brick wall this entire night and it was starting to eat at her mind. If he was thinking that this had been a mistake, he made no effort to show it.

The only hint into what he was thinking was that he pulled away.

But his hand had yet to leave her side.

To Cosette, it felt as though time had stopped. She was stuck hovering in between two very different outcomes. Either George would back up and she would leave the flat to go on with her life as if nothing happened. Or, he would kiss her again and she wouldn't be going anywhere.

With his other hand, he raised it slowly to cup the side of her face. George's fingers lightly traced the skin behind her ear, causing Cosette's breath to get stuck in her throat. His thumb carefully brushed against her cheek before coming to a rest on her lower lip, tugging it down softly.

Cosette was grateful that her back was leaning up against the counter for support because the second George opened his mouth to speak, her body went weak.

"If you want me to stop-"

"I don't."

That was all the consent that George needed.

Cosette felt a rush of helplessness as George's grip on her waist tightened. It was only a few seconds later when the ground beneath her disappeared as he hoisted her up to sit on the counter. His lips met hers furiously and there was no longer any hesitation as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth.

His fingertips on Cosette's skin sent a shiver down her spine as George bunched up the hem of her shirt. With his other hand still holding the side of her face, George kissed her like his life depended on it and it had Cosette withering in his grasp.

Her own fingers pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck, emitting a low moan to escape from the back of Geoge's throat. Cosette's heart skipped a beat when she heard it against her lips and she gripped the collar of his shirt in an attempt to bring him even closer.

"Wrap your legs around me," he whispered against her lips, but Cosette was too lost in her own world to process what he was asking of her.

"What?" she managed to choke out, taking a second to catch her breath.

"Wrap your legs around me," George said again, but the words came out slow and sounded like more of a demand rather than a suggestion. Cosette did what he told her to do and as George leaned down to meet her lips, he slid his hands underneath her. Cosette felt herself being lifted off the counter but she had become too intoxicated with the taste of him to even think for a second about where they were going.

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