53. Shattered

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"He'll be fine, Sets, don't worry," Nick assured her as she stood in the hallway between her room and her dads. After nearly two weeks, she and Nick decided it would be best to hire a live-in Healer to take care of him. His memory continued to slip and his health had taken a bit of a decline, but there was nothing the two of them could do.

"Can you please call me everyday?" She pleaded, slinging her bag over her shoulder. It was slightly heavier this time, having decided to bring home a few extra items. Including a framed photo of her family and Fred's sweater.

"Yes, don't worry," he said, glancing behind her to look in her room. "You have everything right?"

"Probably not but it's fine," Cosette shrugged her shoulders because there was a good chance she was forgetting something, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay a bit longer? I don't mind if-"

"Go home," Nick interrupted with a laugh. "I appreciate everything you've done around here but we have a Healer now. You don't need to feel bad about leaving, okay? Go sleep in your own bed for once or go see George, even."

Her cheeks grew hot at the mention of his name, "Okay, I'm still stopping by later in the week, but please just come and get me if anything else happens."

"Of course," He nodded.

Cosette briefly thought about giving him a hug before leaving, but decided against it when he took a step backwards, giving her room to apparate out of the house. She held out her wand and flashed him one last smile before finally leaving.

Her house was nearly pitch black when she arrived, thanks to her deciding to leave at sunset, but with a quick flick of her wand, the lights around her came to life and she dropped her bag next to the kitchen table.

Cosette opened up her front door, figuring that she must have gotten a bit of mail in her absence. Either muggle or owl, but she was surprised to see the pile of envelopes on her doorstep.

She picked them up and went back inside as she started to flip through them. A few of them were from George who figured that just because he couldn't send her anything while she was at her dads, didn't mean it should stop him from writing to her.

They weren't long letters. Mostly just him updating her with what had gone on during his day and sweet one liners telling her how much he missed her. Cosette looked at the date of them and noticed that he had only sent them on the first three days that she had been gone.

But she didn't expect him to write anything in the first place, so she wasn't complaining that there weren't any more after the first three. He must not have wanted to overwhelm her with an abundance of mail.

There was one from Alice asking if Cosette planned on doing anything for her birthday, but if it weren't for this letter, Cosette would have forgotten that her birthday was coming up. She hadn't celebrated it the last couple years, but she wasn't against the idea of getting her friends together for dinner.

Hermione and Ginny both sent a few letters themselves just checking in on her, but George must have told them not to send anything to her dad's house.

Cosette opened the last one from Ginny and scanned it over. It started off the same as her previous ones, wishing her well and updating her on what was happening at the burrow, but it ended with her inviting Cosette to dinner at the burrow on saturday if she was back by then.

She had to stop and think about how much time had gone by since she last saw them. It had only been about two weeks but it took Cosette a second to realize that today was Saturday.

Dinner had definitely passed but it wasn't too late so there was a good chance everyone was still there, including George. As much as Cosette wanted to see everyone, she was most excited to see him.

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