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NO, SERIOUSLY, WHAT DID HE SAY?” Ashton asked Calum and the younger guy began to blush again, thinking about what he said and trying to get the mental image out of his brain because he was straight and that was not what straight people thought about.

“Promise you won’t laugh?” Ashton grinned, knowing it was going to be something good.

“No, but tell me anyway.” He said, parking his car in his driveway.

They got out and Calum stayed silent until they got inside. He sat on his friend’s leather couch and fidgeted with his sleeves. He already looked like he was blushing because outside was so cold, so his face was a little flushed. He saw the older guy waiting patiently next to him.

“Uh,” he laughed nervously, not daring to meet his eyes. “Last night, I know I had a serious craving for gummy-worms.”


“I think I went to him and wanted his gummy-worm.” Ashton burst out laughing, holding onto his stomach and throwing his head back on the lounge. He started clapping in delight like a baby and slipped down to the ground, rolling around like a dying seal. “Shut up!” he whined. “I was drunk.”

“Oh, f-f-fuck!” Ashton yelled, still laughing, he grabbed his phone. “I’m writing this down. This should go down in the record books; first time ever for a rich guy to want to fuck a street-rat.” He giggled, writing it in his notes.

“Don’t!” the Kiwi squeaked. “Okay; moving on.”

On the other side of town in the ice-cream parlour, Luke sat in the same position as Ashton, laughing his head off with his phone in his hand. Michael tried to ignore him but he was scaring the very few customers that came in winter away.

“Shut up, Luke!” he yelled as quietly as he could. “Come here, I’ll tell you something real funny.” The blonde stood up, walking behind the counter and getting closer to his friend, still giggling. “Calum came into the store last night fucking pissed, right? And he doesn’t remember a thing, and he pissed me off, so I told him a few things that he did last night.”

“Oh, what did he do?” Michael tried to supress a smile, but he couldn’t handle it. He broke into a fit of giggles, putting the ice-cream scoop in a cup of hot water.

“I just lied to him and told him that he tried to suck me off and then I told him a few other things. That’s why he was looking so nervous in the car – but you probably didn’t notice because Ashy-poo was there.” He pinched Luke’s cheeks. “Then, I whispered to him that I now know why there are so many ties in his room.”

His best friend gasped, “Oh my god, Michael Clifford, you dirty bastard.” They both laughed together. “Can we cuddle? I feel like body-heat is the only heat I’ll be getting in this ice dungeon.” Because it was an ice-cream shop, it had to be cold at all times, but it was winter, and nobody came in anyway. There wasn’t really any source of heat whatsoever.


They sat on the floor that was opposite to the big window that had the name of the shop, phone-number (because they did ice-cream cakes or whatever involving ice-cream sometimes) and a stupid phrase. The blonde cuddled into the white-haired boy, while the older one just kind of laid there with his arm around him, watching the rain.

He loved winter. It was cuddling weather and hot chocolate weather and movie weather and ‘I’m so fucking cold body-heat with this really hot guy is my only option’ weather. He also liked the thunderstorms, because it reminded him that even the sky screams too. A scream like that vibrates the windows and shakes the walls. It was amazing.

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now