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This is the last chapter lol surprise

PS go and read the end of eighteen because I added more.

ASHTON FURROWED HIS EYEBROWS, kissing Luke on the cheek before the two made their way to the bathroom. She picked at her sleeves, looking down at her fingers.

"Are you gonna go out for a smoke or something?" he asked, and she breathed out a hopeless laugh, shaking her head.

"I think we should get back in the car, Ashton." She said.


"I think I'm going to wear that dress again, you know?"

"Are you fucking high – "

"I want to drive down that road again, Ashton!" she snapped, her hands curling into his fists. "I want to wear that pretty lacy dress and sit in the back and listen to you argue with your father!"

"What the fuck are you saying?" he said fiercely.

She couldn't get it out. She knew what to say, she just couldn't put it all into words. She wanted to say 'I want to revisit the events leading up to the crash because I think that could be a way you could finally be at peace at yourself' without sounding stupid.

She knew he avoided the road at all costs, which must've been hard to do considering it was one of the only ways to get to Luke's house without really going out of the way. She knew he burnt the clothes he'd worn in the crash as soon as he got them back from the hospital. She knew he cried about it all the time. Her and Luke talked about it.

"I think you need to get some closure." She said calmly, knowing it sounded stupid.

"Coming from you?" he scoffed. "Every time the going gets tough, you get going. You don't seek closure."

"Because I don't really give a fuck about me. I give a fuck about you, okay? I think step one to stopping this drug addiction is to go back to how it started in the first place. It's going to be fucking hard for both of us, I know. But we have to do it. We have to stop being so afraid." Tears gathered in her eyes. "All I want to do is see you sober, Ash. I know you're doing a pretty good job of it now, but I want to see you truly smiling and happy. I want to see you like . . . you."

He put his hands over his eyes and dragged them down to his mouth. "Okay." He mumbled. "Okay. Tomorrow morning. Let's get this over with." He nodded. "I'll pick you up."

Calum and Michael were too loved up to even notice that most of them had left. "Do you wanna go back to my place?" Calum asked, and Michael nodded.

"Just let me do something first." Michael ran inside and started to write a letter on the table cloth that they had set out. It was old and fraying and disgusting, so he figured no one would mind.

Dear Mum,

Happy Mothers Day. Because you've been such a cool mum, we bought you some new furniture and stuff. Theres some food in the fridge and everything. Our TV works now, so you can use that and watch some of you're favourite movies. Anyway, spoil yourself. I figure youll be reading this at ruffly 2AM and I'm at Calum's cos its really lonely hear. We also bought you a new bed.


Love Mikey xxxxxx

PS I'll be back in the mourning.

"Okay, I'm ready." He said to Calum, who was standing across from him.

"Hey guys," Luke said, his voice strained. "Me and Ash are going to head home." Ashton's face was blank. He didn't show any emotion at all. Luke mouthed an 'I'll tell you later' to the other two.

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