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THE NEXT DAY they went out again. Calum had his mother's credit card in his pocket, just in case they needed anything. He didn't tell Michael, though, because he saw how uneasy he got when the fact that they were spending all of somebody else's money came up.

They went to Ashton's first, knowing that Luke would be there too. Neither of the couples ever let go of each other, like they'd get hurt if they weren't together. They talked about their situation, and how crazy Calum was. Calum watched Michael ramble about their sort of date the night before in adoration. He loved making people – especially Michael – happy.

"So, you're a thing then?"

The pale and the tanned looked down at their intertwined hands, both smiling at the display of affection while they thought if it meant anything. They looked at each other.


"Calum," Ashton said, unwrapping his arm from his boyfriend's waist and taking a step forward. "Can I talk to you for a second?" they went into the kitchen and the Kiwi slid himself onto the bench.

"Please don't say it." He sighed, knowing that Ashton was going to pull up the fact that he left his mother cold-heartedly. He saw him wince when he said it.

"You just left your mum like that. I know, I know, she's a bitch and everything, but you can't do that. No matter what people do, they never deserve to be alone."

"She doesn't even like me."

"You know she does, Calum; she'd do anything for you. she also likes perfection. I know, it's twisted to warp your son into something they're not; but she did it because she loves you. Just, go back and talk to her. Nobody wants to be alone."

"Fine, whatever, I'll talk to her."

He walked out, having no intention whatsoever to do that. He went over to Michael, listening to him babble to Luke about what how Calum coming out was insane but cute at the same time. He kissed him on the cheek and patted his head, mumbling that they should go soon.

"Can we bring Lukey and Ash? And Char too?" Michael gave him puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes like a lovesick girl.

"Okay, Mikey." He smiled kindly. "Just call her over." He put his leg over the back of the lounge and lifted himself over, diving into Michael's lap. He ended up rested in his chest. "I fucking love you. Are you ready to go and blow my Mum's credit card out of the roof?"

"Hell bloody yes, baby."


They start at Ikea. Calum and Ashton are still talking quietly about Mrs Hood and Luke and Michael are chatting about what the best Ninja Turtle is. Feeling like the fifth wheel, Char tagged behind. She was checking out all of the latest Instagram posts, and she saw  she gasped.

"Holy fuck!" she shouted, completely forgetting she was in the middle of Ikea. Parents blocked their children's ears and glared, old ladies looked offended. She smiled innocently, taking longer strides and walking up to Calum. She pulled him back, but he just furrowed his eyebrows and started talking to Ashton again. "Excuse me, fuck-face; that was really rude." She pulled him back again. "Your ex is slaying you all over Insta and she posted your nudes everywhere." His eyes widened, blushing a little. "I would like to get her back."

"Um . . ." he took out his phone, looking at Michael over his shoulder, who was giggling along with Luke. "My password's Michael. Her nudes are in my deleted folder. Slay her, love." He gave her a big Calum smile and walked over to his boyfriend.

She unlocked his phone and went into the Instagram app. She logged out and logged into hers. Then, she went into Calum's deleted folder. She found the worst nude of her and smiled brightly. There she was, unshaved and with the caption 'get ready for me'. She almost gagged. She looked back to the thing that she posted about Calum. It didn't even show his face, only his dick and his pants open with a wink as the caption. Not pretty, really. Below the picture, she wrote 'he was such a slut anyway, lol. He sended SO MANY all the time. Narcissistic dickhead.'

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now