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This chapter is all over the place forgive me

CALUM BLUSHED AT THE THOUGHT OF Michael and himself doing it. He hadn’t answered the pale boy’s question yet, and he didn’t want to. So he decided to think about how he got in the situation. It was a bad decision. He could recall so easily what the poor boy had said to him, and he nearly moaned at it.

“I-I feel . . .” he said nervously, fidgeting with the sheets. “I-I don’t know, my ass hurts.” Michael burst out laughing, and his eyes crinkled and Calum couldn’t help but smile too. He didn’t know why he was smiling, maybe his smile was just infectious.

“Shut up, street-rat!” He exclaimed, chuckling, trying to put the guy back in his place.

“No, rich bitch!” he kept on laughing. “I knew you were a bottom!”

“A bottom . . . ? If anything, you’re the bum in this house. You barely have clothes.” The rich boy said, confused.

Ignoring the insults, the blue-haired boy tried hard not to laugh as he asked if Calum knew what he meant. He didn’t and he started blushing because he was an idiot with no knowledge of gayness. Bitterly, the tanned boy got up and covered his naked body self-consciously as he walked over to some clothes as he looked outside the window. It was another cold winter day. He chucked Michael some random clothes and walked into the bathroom with his.

Michael smiled as he smothered himself with the pillow. He loved Luke. He loved that he came up with the plan. He made a mental note to hug him when he got to school as he got dressed into a woollen grey jumper and black jeans. He wanted to get a singlet for underneath, but he didn’t want to go through Calum’s stuff because that would be rude. He looked at himself in the Kiwi’s mirror and smiled. He looked like he lived in a middle-class house with a middle-class family. Finally. He put his Converses on and yawned.

He didn’t want to go to school, but he knew it would be the only way to talk about things to Luke. He knew the plan had worked a little. Calum was definitely not like that before they fucked. He didn’t seemed concerned at all that they had sex, really.

“Calum,” he said, getting the boy’s attention when he walked out of the shower.


“You liked it, didn’t you?” he giggled at the look on Calum’s face. He looked just so embarrassed and flustered, like he’d been caught wanking or something.

“I-I don’t remember.” He lied horribly.

“Yes you do! You liked it, didn’t you?”

Calum had been pretty good in believing that he didn’t like Michael until last night. They had sex. To Calum, that meant that they at least had a sexual attraction to each other. Now he definitely couldn’t hide it. They had kissed. They had touched. They had done it. And he was still buzzing.

“Did you?” he asked, hoping that Michael would say no so he had a reason to ignore this whole thing.

“Yeah. I mean, I’m not going to hide it like you, but I don’t mind if you say you didn’t like it. ‘Cause I know it’s a lie.”

Michael was just so confident. He knew what was going to happen, what the truth was and how he felt. He was just so sure of himself. That was something that the rich boy envied.

The tanned boy budged past the pale one, going downstairs to the second floor and retrieving his shoes. He was freaked out. Not even twenty-four hours ago, he was at least eighty percent sure he was straight, but now, he’s reduced to a forty-nine. He had sex with the boy he thought he hated. He laughed with him and smiled at him.

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now