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LUKE RUSHED TO ASHTON’S side, trying to subtly protect him from his mother’s wrath. Well, more like he was protecting himself from his mother’s embarrassment, but whatever. He stepped in front of the older guy, taking advantage of his height so there were no traces of the Irwin boy behind him.

“Mum,” he gave a ‘get-the-fuck-out’ smile. “Morning.”

She returned a ‘I-can-do-what-I-want’ grin. “Hello, Fancy-Pants,” her son’s mouth dropped in shock because his mum so did not just do that. “Get out the way so I can see your lovely boyfriend.”

Too awkward to deny it, the blonde boy stepped away. He sat on the bench, mortified for what was coming next. There was still about an hour left until he actually had to go to school, and he knew that his mum could say a lot of things during that time.

He thought about all the things he knew she would say. She would probably start with the embarrassing things/stories Luke had done, like walk around naked a lot with a beanie and say that he was clothed, or drool when he slept. Then she would move on to the pictures that were seventy-five percent of him naked. After that she would explain why Luke had the name Fancy-Pants.

Oh god, he couldn’t be around for that.

“Luke is such a sexual boy,” she rambled. “I hope you can keep him under control.”

“It’s true,” Ben said, racing down the hallway to get in on the conversation, “Luke’s really vocal. I can hear him from miles away. You’ll never guess what name he’s screaming.” He winked at Ashton.

Ben!” his brother yelled, getting up from the bench and chasing after him. “I will fucking end you!” the younger boy screamed down the hallway as his older brother retreated to his room, locking it. “Mum, do I have permission to kill Ben? I mean, you’ve got another older son and I’m a lot better than both of them, so . . .” he said, looking at his mum’s face because he was too embarrassed to even glance at Ashton.

“Fancy-Pants, settle down, you know it’s true that you’re vocal.” He covered his blushing face, putting his head on the frame of the hallway entrance.

“I-In music!” he protested, but his voice broke.

“Luke’s a hormonal slut!” Ben yelled and then slammed his door again, falling into a fit of laughter behind his closed door.

Luke felt like he could melt into a puddle of embarrassment and seep through the drain. He just needed to get out of there, and he needed to get Ashton out too. He didn’t want the older guy’s brain to be filled with tragic information about him.

“Did Luke ever tell you why he was named Fancy-Pants?”

The blond boy gasped, tugging the wrist of his friend and ran out of the house, picking up his bag on the way. He didn’t want anybody to know that story. Only his family and Michael knew, and even Michael thought it was embarrassing.

Ashton was laughing and wow it was one of the best things the younger boy had ever heard, so he stopped staring at the older guy for a while until he shut up. Once he did, the tanned boy wrapped an arm around his crush, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek.

“So cute.”

“So short.” The embarrassed boy shot back, glaring at his feet as he walked.

“No, really, you’re the most adorable thing ever.” The older male sounded sincere, but Luke didn’t want to believe him.

“’Kay, whatever.” he brushed it off, “Let’s just go to school.”

“Luke,” Ashton stopped, “You know I don’t go to school, right?”

Rich Bitch // malum & lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now