7 | hanging out

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hey besties, how was your week?

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''Hey, Y/n.'' She turned around to face the girl sitting behind her. ''Can I copy your Physics homework? I forgot to do it yesterday.''

''Sure,'' Y/n said, taking out her Physics notebook, handing it to the girl after opening it on the right page. ''Here.''

''Thanks, Y/n!''

Y/n turned back around, wanting to continue her lunch, when another classmate approached her. ''Hey, Y/n, can I copy your English homework, please? I really don't get it.''

''Oh, um, alright.'' She reached into her backpack again, taking her English notebook out. ''Here you go.''

''Thanks, Y/n! You're awesome!'' She waved him off before picking up her chopsticks again, ready to take a bite from her lunch.

''Hey, Y/n!''

''For God's sake!" Y/n looked up upon the third call of her name, seeing Reki and Langa standing front of her. She quirked an eyebrow at the two of them. ''What're you two doing here?''

''We wanted to ask if you'd like to have lunch with us,'' Reki spoke and Langa nodded in confirmation.

''I, uh,'' she looked down at her bento before sighing and closing it. ''Fine. Let's go.''

She felt the eyes following her each movement as she stood up and walked with Reki and Langa towards the exit of the classroom, people immediately starting to whisper. She couldn't blame them, considering they have never hung out together before. Though she did wish they could mind their own business.

''Why did you guys call me to eat with you?'' Y/n asked as they walked down the hallway and towards the stairs leading to the roof.

''Well, we couldn't pass out the chance to hang out with a celebrity!'' Reki suddenly exclaimed, causing Y/n to scoff.

''A celebrity? Really?''

''You're a celebrity in our world!'' Reki said, casuing Y/n's cheeks to warm up. Was she really?

''Would you like to hang out with Langa and I later today?'' Reki asked as the three were munching on their lunches.

Y/n quirked an eyebrow, swallowing so she can answer. ''Uh, sure? You guys trying to be friends with me or something?''

''Was that not obvious?'' Langa asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Y/n hummed. ''Well, I'd like to hang out with you guys. Where would we go, though?''

''We were thinking of going to my house later, since we have some homework we want to finish before 'S' tomorrow,'' Reki explained. ''Though, we can go somewhere else if you want.''

''No, your place is fine,'' Y/n said, pointing her chopsticks at him. ''Are you sure it's okay, though? You're practically inviting a stranger to your house. I could be a serial killer for all you know.''

''A serial killed wouldn't admit they're a serial killer,'' Reki said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

''Hm, what if I'm trying to confuse you by saying I'm a serial killed so you actually won't think I'm serial killer, when I actually am a serial killer?'' Y/n spoke, causing the two boys to look at the ground, each of them contemplating for a moment.

''You have a point . . .'' Langa said, not looking up. He bit into his sandwich and chewed, his brain emptying.

''Well, if I die today, Langa, you can have all my stickers and magazines,'' Reki looked at his friend. ''Bury my board with me, though.''

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Y/n felt rather awkward. She didn't know Reki nor Langa very well - she'd officially met them yesterday, after all - and she was suddenly invited over to Reki's house for a study session, or hanging out, or whatever they were going to do. She was wary, of course, but the two seemed like nice boys, so she saw no reason to turn them down.

She still had to tell her parents she was going to Miwa's house, though.

Taking her shoes off, she neatly placed them to the side, next to Reki's. She straightened up, noticing the two boys already walking deeper into the house, so she had no other choice but to follow after.

The three entered the kitchen first, Reki opening the fridge. ''What do you guys want to drink? Coke, water, juice?''

''I'm not really supposed to drink coke,'' Y/n admitted, even though she was craving the soda.

''C'mon, don't be like Miya,'' Reki said before grabbing three cans of coke and going over to Y/n, handing her one of them. ''One time wouldn't hurt.''

Y/n sighed and grabbed the can, thanking the boy in the process. The three then started heading towards what Y/n presumed was his room, when two little girls ran down the hallway, stopping right in front of the older girl and staring at her with wonder. They soon realized they didn't know her and each hid behind one of the boy's legs.

''You two, don't be scared, Y/n is a friend from school,'' Reki reasurred them, patting one of the girl's heads. ''Go back to playing.''

The two looked up at their brother before rushing off from where they came from. Y/n chuckled at the sight. ''Your sisters are cute.''

''Yeah, when they aren't little demons,'' Reki sighed, opening the door to his room and throwing his backpack down, before putting his board to lean against the wall. Langa followed suit, laying down on Reki's bed, whilst Y/n stood there, unsure of what to do.

''You can just sit wherever, Y/n, don't just stand like that,'' Reki said, sitting down against his bed.

''Right,'' Y/n said, walking over to Reki's desk chair and turning it around to face the two before sitting own on it.

Reki popped his can of coke open before speaking. ''You're coming to 'S' tomorrow, right?''

''I think so, my parents are going out of town, thankfully,'' Y/n said. ''So I'll be able to sneak out.''

''Do you want to go together? We can meet you somewhere,'' Reki suggested, taking a sip from his coke.

''Yeah, sure,'' Y/n agreed, shrugging. It would be nice to have someone to go to 'S' with.

Langa suddenly sat up on the bed, looking at the girl. ''Say, why do you hide yourself at 'S'?''

Y/n leaned back in the chair, looking up at the white ceiling. She barely knows the two, but why did she feel like she could trust them? Should she tell them? ''It's because of my parents.''

Reki raised an eyebrow. ''Your parents?''

She nodded. ''They don't want me to have anything to do with skating ever since I was twelve. They said it's a waste of time and I should focus on school and football and stuff. And I don't want to risk it and have them find out, you know?''

Reki blinked a few times, scoffing as he stood up and pointed his finger at Y/n. ''That's such a stupid reason, skating is an amazing sport!''

Y/n's eyes lit up. ''Exactly! Skating is, like, the coolest sport ever! It makes me feel so . . . free!'' Y/n stood up as well, pointing her finger at Reki as well.

''Yeah! And all the cool tricks you can perform!''

''And the adrenaline rushes!"

''And the different styles!''

Langa watched as the two gushed over skateboarding. Reki was getting a little too excited - whether it was because of skateboarding or because of Y/n, Langa wasn't exactly sure.

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