14 | sleepover

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hey y'all, how was your week?

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''Goddamit,'' Reki spoke as he, Langa and Y/n changed into their outdoor shoes and looked outside, seeing the downpour. ''Why's it raining so hard? We can't go to the park and I didn't even bring an umbrella.''

''I have an umbrella, we can share,'' Y/n suggested, taking her foldable umbrella out of her backpack. Langa did so, too, and the three of them walked out of the school, the two opening their umbrellas.

''So, where should we go?'' asked Y/n. They were supposed to skate today, alas, the weather wasn't allowing them to.

Reki thought for a moment, one of his hands on his chin, whilst the other one held up Y/n's purple umbrella. ''Well, we can go over to my house and play videogames or something.''

''I can't come,'' Langa told the two, causing both of them to look at him. ''Oka asked me if I can take a shift at Dope and I accepted.''

''Oh,'' Reki said, his face falling slightly, though he quickly turned towards Y/n with pleading eyes. ''You can hang out, right?''

''Sure, my parents aren't here, anyway.'' Y/n shrugged, agreeing to Reki's wishes.

''Your parents really are never home,'' Langa pointed out the obvious.

Y/n nodded. ''Yeah, but I'm used to it. It's whatever.''

Reki gave her a pitiful look - his house was always so full, with all his sisters and grandma and parents living in there, it was more or less never quiet. Y/n's brother had moved out and she was usually alone at home, so it must be lonely.

''Mom, I'm home!'' Reki called as the two quickly walked inside the house, Y/n closing the soaking umbrella so it wouldn't wet the floor as much, putting it to rest against the wall. ''And Y/n came over, too!''

After greeting his mother, the two walked to Reki's room, where they tossed their backpacks on the ground and plopped down on his bed. Reki leaned back, banging his head on the wall, causing Y/n to laugh loudly.

''Goddamit,'' Reki groaned, rubbing the back of his head to soothe the pain. ''What do you wanna do?''

Y/n looked around his room, shrugging. ''I don't know, what do you wanna do?''

''We can, uh . . . we can play something on the console,'' Reki suggested, leaning back on his hands as he looked at her.

''Sure, sounds fun,'' Y/n said as she stood up, straightening her skirt. ''I'm not that good, though.''

Reki chuckled as he stood up, hands on his hips. ''I'll have to go easy on you, then.''

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'''Not that good', my ass!" Reki groaned as he let his controller fall into his lap, watching as his chosen character died yet again. ''You're beating the shit out me, Y/n!''

Y/n laughed at his frustration. ''Maybe you're just bad?''

Reki glared at her, his eyes trailing towards the clock hanging on the wall. It took him a second, but he managed to read the time - it was nearing seven o'clock.

''Kids, dinner is ready!'' Reki's mom called from the kitchen, causing the two teens to get up - Reki had invited her to stay for dinner, to which she had agreed - Reki turning off the console as he did so.

''Can't wait to try your mom's cooking!'' Y/n said as the two walked down the hallway and towards the dining room. Reki's oldest sister, Koyomi, was already setting up the dishes.

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