18 | busted

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hey besties, how was your week? thank you guys so much for 38k reads !!

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''Hey, Y/n!'' she looked up at the call of her name, noticing Miwa standing at her classroom door, backpack in hand. It was the end of the day already, and Y/n couldn't wait to leave the school with her friends.

''What's up?'' Y/n asked as she approached Miwa and the two started making their way towards the exit of the school.

''Since we don't have practice today, would you like to hang out at my house? We can watch a movie, or something,'' Miwa suggested, a grin on her face.

Y/n's face, however, fell as she heard her words. ''Sorry, Miwa, but I'm hanging out with Reki and Langa after school.''

Miwa's face mimicked Y/n's, though hers looked more disappointed than regretful. ''You know, you've been hanging out awfully lot with Reki and Langa recently.''

She was right, Y/n realized. But Miwa's been hanging out with her other friends, right? And they always saw each other at practice and at lunch, when Y/n would go to . . . Reki's classroom.

''You know, it would've been nice if you told me you were dating Reki.''

Y/n chocked at her saliva as she heard the words, causing Miwa to chuckle, a smirk forming on her lips. ''Miwa! We aren't dating!''

''Dating who?'' Y/n almost jumped out of her skin as she heard the familiar voice, turning around to see Reki and Langa standing there.

''Oh, uh, no one,'' Y/n said, trying her best to keep her cool as she punched Miwa's shoulder, causing the girl to wince in pain and clutch her arm. ''Anyway, I'm sorry we can't hang out today, maybe on the weekend?''

Miwa thought for a second before nodding. ''Fine, just don't bail, alright?''

Y/n nodded as she watched Miwa speed up to walk with Tanizaki, who'd been walking down the stairs. She turned towards Reki and Langa, a smile on her face. ''Shall we go?''

It felt nice, talking with Reki again. She was aware that she hadn't talked with him only for a few days, but it felt nice to be able to hang out with him again. Had she become so dependable on his presence?

''Are we going to the skate park today?'' asked Langa as the two as they were still putting on their shoes.

''Yeah,'' Y/n said as she straightened up and patted Reki's shoulder, over which a second bag was thrown. ''I have my skateboard now. Thanks for carrying it around all day.''

Reki shrugged, showing that it wasn't big of a deal. ''As long as we don't have to go all the way to your house.'' Y/n chuckled at that and followed the two outside.

After they were at a reasonable distance from the school, Y/n took her bag from Reki's shoulder and took her jacket and skateboard out, the three taking off to relax at the skate park after the stressful school day.

''Guys, watch this!'' Reki called as he slid down the whole railway of a staircase, Y/n and Langa following by jumping over it and landing safely right after him. The three laughed as they made it to the skate park, wasting no time to throw their backpacks on the benches so they could be free.

''You guys, do you wanna go to Joe's restaurant later?'' Langa asked as he passed Y/n on his way to go up the ramp.

Reki looked towards Y/n, who was nearing him. ''Are your parents home?'' he asked.

Y/n shook her head. ''No, they should be back home tomorrow, so I'm down.''

It was fun, really. Her eyes fell onto her backpack, that was laying on the bench right next to Reki's and an idea popped in her head. She got down from her board and popped it, rushing towards her bag and quickly unzipping it, taking her phone out and turning back towards the two boys, who hadn't noticed that she had stopped at all.

''Guys!'' Y/n called and the two turned towards her in confusion. ''Can you film me for my channel? You guys can be in the video, too, if you want!''

Reki grinned at the idea, agreeing immediately, whilst Langa decided to be the one filming them, as he had nothing to hide his face with. Reki, on the other hand, threw his hood over his head. They had fun filming for half an hour, before Y/n announced that it was enough.

She took her hood off her head and let her hair free, popping her board up. What she hadn't realized, though, was that it had been a mistake on her part. ''Can I see the videos?'' she asked as she gestured towards her phone in Langa's hand, who nodded and gave it back.

Reki and Langa stood on each side of her, watching as she put on the video. ''Reki, that trick was-''


Her head snapped up, her blood ran cold. The voice, one of the two voices she'd wished to never hear at this particular spot, had spoken. Was it real? Was she being paranoid and imagining things?

''Y/n L/n, is that you?''

She felt like she was in a horror movie. Slowly turning around, her eyes fell on her father's figure standing a few meters behind her, his face full of shock and disappointment, his hands on his hips. Y/n gulped at the sight.

''Y/n, who's that?'' Reki asked, both him and Langa having an idea as to who that could've been.

''Hi . . . Dad,'' Y/n said, her voice quiet and full of anxiousness. Reki and Langa's eyes widened at her words, looking between her and her father.

''In the car. Now.'' His voice sounded threatening and all three teenagers knew that Y/n was in big trouble.

Reki gulped. ''Mr. L/n, Y/n-''

''Shut up, boy,'' her father spoke as he pointed a finger towards him, then at Langa. ''I don't want to see you two with Y/n ever again, understood?''

Y/n bowed her head, giving Reki and Langa a side-glance before her dad put his hand on her shoulder and guided her towards the car, leaving the two boys speechless.

The car ride back home was quiet, not even the radio was turned on. Y/n felt like throwing up each passing minute, fidgeting with her fingers in her lap as she waited for them to arrive home.

Okay. You fucked up. You fucked up big time. But how is he even here? He was supposed to be home tomorrow. This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening-

''Out of the car,'' her father commanded, his voice low and angry. She picked up her backpacks and skateboard, heading out towards her father. He ripped the skateboard from her hand and continued walking towards the door, causing Y/n's heart to sink.

''Hey, you two-'' her mother noticed her father's expression and she blinked a few times, her eyes falling down to his hands, noticing the purple skateboard he was holding, and a gasp left her lips. ''What is that?''

''I found your daughter skateboarding with two boys,'' her father spoke as he let the board fall on the ground, causing Y/n to flinch.

''You were . . . skating?'' her mother spoke with disappointment, putting down the spoon she was holding and walking towards her daughter. ''You dare skate after what happened to your brother? Do you want to ruin your future, like him?''

''I'm not going to ruin my future, Mom, I-''

''Don't talk back to me,'' her mother spoke, her voice very much resembling her husband's. ''We have one rule. One simple rule you have to follow, just for your own good. And here you are, breaking it. How long has this been going on for?''

Y/n stayed quite for a moment, too scared to answer. ''How long?'' asked her father.

''. . . since Hiro's incident.''

''So you never stopped?'' her mother asked and she nodded.

Her father picked up the skateboard again, walking outside of the house with it. ''Dad, what're you doing?'' Y/n asked in fear, following after him. ''Dad, wait-''

As she was about to tell him to stop again, he propped the board on the curb with the grip facing it, stomping right on top of it until it started snapping, causing tears to whell up in Y/n's eyes. ''Dad, please-''

The board snapped fully and the tears rolled down her cheek, her eyes falling on the football sticker that Reki had given her a few weeks back.

Mystique was busted.

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