15 | advice

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hey hey hey besties, how was your week? i think i'm coming off hiatus now as i've started to write again and actually have a few pre-written chapters now heh. thank you guys for waiting <3

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''Thank you so much for having me, Mrs. Kyan.'' Y/n bowed to the older woman as she stood in front of the front door.

Reki's mom waved her off. ''Of course, dear, you're always welcome,'' she said, patting the two little girls on the heads. ''Say bye to Y/n, you two.''

The two girls waved at Y/n before running off, assumingly to play. Reki opened the door, the two of them walking out of the house, Reki only having his shoes halfway on, enough to be able to walk her to the gate.

''See you on Monday, then,'' Y/n said as she waved at him.

Reki nodded. ''Yeah, see you!''

Making her way down the street, a million thoughts ran through her head. They had kissed yesterday. It felt so nice, but why hadn't Reki mentioned it? Did he regret it? Did he not feel anything afterwards and didn't want to hurt her? Did he forget about it?

Y/n shook her head. It was ridiculous, how could he just forget about it?

Her phone buzzed and she took it out of her bag, seeing the name Miwa written on top. With a sigh, she answered and put the phone to her ear. ''What is it, Miwa?''

''You do remember we have a team meeting today, right? I'm waiting in front of your house.''

Her eyes widened, picking up the pace. ''Crap! I'm on my way!''

- - -

''You seem out of it,'' Langa spoke after noticing that Reki hadn't spoken in the past five minutes. The two were skating down the street towards the skate park, though the usually talkative redhead had not uttered a word since their greeting.

Reki looked up, scatching the back of his head. ''Y/n slept over at my house yesterday.''

Langa cocked an eyebrow. ''Okay? So why're you so out of it.''

''We kissed.''

Langa stumbled, almost falling off his skateboard as he did so. Reki yelped as he noticed that, reaching out and grabbing Langa by the elbow so he wouldn't fall. ''You guys what?''

''Look!'' Reki said and came to a stop in the middle of the street, popping his board. Langa followed his lead, the two of them sat down on the sidewalk. ''We were watching this series I told you about and we were sitting next to each other on my bed, right? And then we were suddenly kissing and then she didn't say anything afterwards and fell asleep. We didn't mention it at all, so I don't know what to think!''

Staring at the ground, Langa looked as if gears were spinning in his head. ''Did she like the series?''


''What? I'm just asking.'' Langa sighed. ''But, I don't know what to say either. You should ask Joe, he would probably know.''

Reki sighed, running a hand through his hair. ''He would laugh at me, wouldn't he?''

''You need advice, and it's either Joe or Shadow,'' Langa pointed out.

After a moment of silence, Reki stood up. ''Fine, let's go talk to Joe.''

- - -

''You overslept again?'' asked Miwa as the two walked back towards Y/n's house. ''What's been up with you lately?''

''I didn't oversleep, I just forgot,'' Y/n cleared, grunting as she adjusted the backpack over her shoulder.

Miwa quirked an eyebrow. ''So, where were you in the morning?''

Y/n stiffened. ''Oh, uh, I slept over at Reki's.''

Stopping, Miwa almost shouted. ''You what?''

Heat creeped up to Y/n's cheeks. ''It's not what you think! I was just stuck at his house because of the heavy rain! We didn't do anything!'' she paused, remembering the night before as she averted her eyes away from her friend. ''Or, well, we might've.''

''WHAT?'' Miwa shouted this time, all the information being too much for her. She placed her hands on Y/n's shoulders, slightly shaking her. ''Tell me everything!"

''We kissed!'' Y/n exclaimed, cluthing her backpack strap a she confessed. ''But we didn't talk about it at all, I fell asleep right after. I'm starting to think Reki's regretting it . . .''

''Why would he regret it?'' Miwa asked, finally stopping shaking her friend as confusion filled her.

''I don't know,'' Y/n shrugged. ''He never mentioned it, so I never did either. How do you even bring it up?''

''Maybe he's too shy to mention it,'' Miwa suggested as the two resumed their walk.

''Maybe he doesn't want to mention it because he regrets it and doesn't want to hurt me,'' Y/n argued, causing Miwa to sigh.

''You know, I always hear him talk with Langa about you in the breaks. How he couldn't wait to show you this one video he saw online or about how he couldn't wait to hang out with you later,'' Miwa explained, waving her pointer finger around as she did so.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she watched her shoes. ''I don't know . . . Honestly, I thought he liked Langa.''

Miwa tapped her chin. ''Honestly, I did, too. But why would he kiss you if he likes Langa?''

Y/n groaned. ''You've got a point.''

''I always have a point,'' Miwa pointed out, booping her friend's nose. ''Anyway, Tobio is waiting for me to bring him to his friend's house, so I gotta run, but I think you should talk with Reki about it.''

''Yeah . . . alright.''

Y/n watched as Miwa picked up the pace, turning back to wave at her as she ran. Waving back, Y/n took a turn towards her house, a million thoughts running through her head.

Just the usual.

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''I didn't know you had it in you, Reki,'' Joe said as he dried the just-washed dishes and put them up on a rack. ''I mean, you actually kissed a girl!''

''I can kiss girls just fine!'' Reki argued, pointing his fork towards Joe, then stabbed his spaghetti with his fork again. ''It's just . . . she didn't mention it at all. I feel like she's regretting it.''

''She could be shy about it, you know,'' Langa pointed out as Reki stuffed spaghetti in his mouth, rising his eyebrow at the amount he managed to fit inside.

''I still can't be sure,'' his words were barely understandable from how full his mouth was, causing Joe and Langa to grimace at him. Reki swallowed his bite, then continued. ''I just don't want to ruin our friendship . . . I really like her. Maybe as much as I like skateboarding.''

Langa pursed his lips, unsure of what to say, whilst Joe sighed. ''Nothing's going to happen if you don't talk with her - communication is key, you know?''

Joe turned around to continue putting away the dishes, whilst Reki simply stared at his half-empty spaghetti bowl, wishing he didn't have to worry about such things, that it would all work out at the end, somehow.

Damn, he wished he could be a spaghett.

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