Chapter 4

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Sloane and I somehow manage to get Pierce upstairs to our room and on his bed. Sloane dumps him on it and huffs annoyingly.

“He is so dead when I see him tomorrow,” she says.

“Or you can just kill him now.” I nod at her.

“No. He needs to feel the pain.”

I laugh and she grins.

“Well I need to get out of here and to my apartment. So bye.” she says, then gives me a fist bump before leaving.

I take off my shirt to get ready for bed. I look over to check on Pierce. My eyes catches his hand clutching something, I notice that he is holding on to Sloane's bandana. I immediately take it from him, put on my shirt and go out to check if she is still in the hallway. I walk a little further and turn to see if she is there. Nope. Instead, I see a male figure, Zachary, on his phone with someone. His hair is messily falling on his forehead. I know I need to just turn and leave, but I glimpse the sight of his tightly clenched fist. When I look up, I see his face and something inside me cramps. Everything about his expression is just wrong. It's just blank. Cold. It didn't have a hint of his usual arrogance or confidence in it.

“Okay.” He says into the phone and his whole face scrunches into hurt. Then he just cuts the call. He stares at the screen for a few seconds before breathing out and loosening his fist. For a minute I thought I just imagined the whole thing because now the tension he had a moment ago was gone. Completely. Like it never happened. He turns and looks right at me. So I didn't imagine it then.

We both stare at each other for a few minutes. Like a reflex, Zach scowls. “Eavesdropping is cheap even for you.”

My irritation peeks up. “Eavesdropping at you? Don't add to your already colossal ego. You are not that fucking important.”

I was about to add that I was looking for Sloane but then realize that I don't have to explain anything to this asshole. So I just stare at him.

“Then what were you doing? Admiring the beauty of the hallways? Or maybe me?” he smirks at me.

One day. One day I will punch that abominable smirk right off his lips. I stare at his lips for a moment, a second more than necessary. He has the perfect lips.

“Careful. Your hidden desires are showing,” I say giving him a full-fledged smirk of my own.

“You know nothing about my hidden desires.”

“That's funny since most of your desires are very publicly known.”

“I didn't know you kept tabs on me.”

“Again, Not everything is about you.”

Zach was about to retort when his phone chimes, and he looks at the screen. His posture immediately goes slack.  Even though we are almost the same height and have the same kind of build, all of a sudden he felt smaller. But then he was back to normal. Like he is just realizing that he was not alone.

“Fuck you,” he hisses at me and then turns sharply, heading straight for his room.

I walk back to my room knowing that there is no way Sloane is still here somewhere. I can just give the bandana to her tomorrow. My eyes fall on the bandana in my hand, but my mind drifts off towards thoughts of the man I just saw. I wonder who Zach was on the phone with. Whoever it was that person definitely wasn't anyone Zach liked. I know exactly which buttons to push to get him pissed, annoyed, frustrated and even the ones that will get him to throw the first punch. You don't hate someone without knowing a little about them. But the look he had on moments before, that I have never seen. Even his voice was too sleek. He was just detached.

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