Chapter 9

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Messages filled my phone, Vio has been restless the whole week. I replied to each and every one of them, hoping to comfort her. Make her believe that it was all fine.

I know that my phone has been buzzing for a while, but I am at work. I will have to wait just a little while longer for it to end. Then I can reply to her.

Everett has already left the theater to wait for me in his car. We haven't raised our fists at each other after last time. Though that doesn't mean we have calmed down at all. It's just that we have an understanding between us now. I finish up and go over to where the car is parked. Everett is sitting inside with his windows rolled down. He sees me coming over. I get in, he rolls up the windows and starts the air conditioner. My phone buzzes again.

He looks at me while starting the car. “It's been buzzing a lot.”

I open my phone, but before I can check my messages, it starts to ring. I pick it up knowing that it's Vio. My whole body goes cold when I realize that Vio is sniveling on the other side. I sit up straighter.

“Vio? What's wrong? Where are you?” I ask almost pleadingly. The worst scenarios run through my mind as I say those words. I feel completely helpless.

“Z, please come pick me up.” she sniffs as she says that.

“I will, but you need to tell me where you are.” I say. I can feel Everett looking over at me confused and worried. Shit. He is here. I have no time to worry about that right now. I focus fully on Vio.

“The parking area of your dorms. Nobody is here.” She tells me, her voice trembles.

“I'll be there. Wait and don't let anyone see you okay?”

“Yeah… Come fast.” she cuts the call.

I turn to tell Everett to drop me here and that I will just take a cab, but he beats me to it.

“Where do you want me to drive to?” his voice is firm. Everett usually parks in the space allotted to the soccer players, which is closer. The official parking lot is further away and on the other side. I want to get there as fast as I can.

“Our official parking lot.”

He nods and takes off. He drove faster than he usually drives, and I couldn't be more grateful. I am glad that I didn't have to wait for a cab either. My insides feel like they are being used as punching bags. Vio doesn't usually cry like that.

“Hey, it's going to be fine. We'll reach there as fast as we can.” Everett says to me. I nod, but his words are not enough to help me relax completely but it's still a reassurance.

I dash out of the car the moment we reach there and Stat to  frantically search for her. I spot her, sitting on the ground, leaning against a car.

She looks up and sees me too. She didn't give me a chance to do anything before she ran over and threw herself at me, hugging me tightly. Sniffing as I wrap my arms around her smaller frame and kiss her forehead.

“It's alright, I am here. Now tell me what happened,” I hold her closer to me, just relieved that she is alright. In my peripheral vision I can see Everett staying back, giving us space but still not leaving. It's like he is guarding us. I don't know what to feel about that.

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