Chapter 3

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I do not want to be here and I absolutely do not want to talk to this girl whose name I forgot five seconds after she told me. It's obvious she knows who I am. It's also very obvious that she is flirting with me.

When Alice, one of my exes, but current self-proclaimed friend called me ten minutes ago and told me to better get my ass down here or else she was going to come up to my room and drag me to Alpha sig herself, I didn't have much choice except get my ass to the goddamn frat party. I should just be glad for the fact that she is one of the few exes of mine who is still talking to me.

As soon as I reached the party I greeted Alice and went straight for the drinks. I got a beer and sat down on one of the stools beside the kitchen counter. Just as I was getting done with my first beer a blonde haired girl with bright red lipstick came over to take the stool next to mine.

She gives me a flirty smile. I return a grin. She gives me a name. Something starting with T? And then she starts to talk. And that's when I start zoning out. I still don't have a clue why I am here. Jesus Christ, what the hell is she talking about? It's been at least half an hour of this bullshit. I only speak when I feel like a question is directed at me. She doesn't seem to mind. One of her hands move to my knee and stays there. I don't even bother to move it. Just as I was going to tell her something I feel someone staring at me. I turn.

Oh. Sweet mother of fucking Jesus. Everett Garcia in the fucking flesh. Only problem, he looks goddamn amazing. His dark blonde hair is messy and his shirt is a size too big. He probably came with that annoying roommate of his. It doesn't matter how good he looks though, he still makes me want to rip him a new hole.

I tilt my head at him to give him my signature smirk. His lips press into a tight line. I bring my beer bottle up slightly to him in greeting and take a sip, eyes still locked in his. He scowls at me. I don't give him any more attention and turn to the girl who is still talking, completely oblivious to our stare off. I give her a small smile.

“Well sweetheart, I think I might need a bit of fresh air, after all you do make every guy a little breathless,” I wink at her. God, that was bad, even if I am buzzed. She still flushes, so I guess it doesn't matter.

I put down the bottle and move towards the back exit of the house. A whole group of kids are shirtless, covered in glitter, howling a song so out of tune that I can't even make out if they are singing the same thing. Most of them are at the pool, getting wet for no reason. This is exhausting. I find a corner in the backyard where most of them can't see me. Take out a cigarette, light it, then put it in my mouth and take a deep drag. Slowly letting it out after I lean back on the wall.

Alice would give me her pissed off glare if she caught me having a cigarette while hiding here. I stand there in the dark taking my time with the cigarette as the noise gets louder and louder. I take a last drag. Just as I was going to put it down to stomp on it a figure comes out from the dark. He stops in front of me and then surprise overtakes his face.

This day couldn't get any better. Everett stares at me for a whole ten seconds before he scowls. It took him ten seconds, I am impressed. Usually it doesn't take seconds. He must be a little drunk.

“Well isn't this a pleasure, the golden boy could handle all the worshiping?” I ask him.

He groans. “At least I am not hiding from an ex who dumped me.”

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