Chapter 12

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Everett is completely oblivious to everything that is happening around him. He drove us to the theater, both of us avoiding eye contact because neither of us were ready to address the clusterfuck that was yesterday. Jesus fucking Christ. What the fucking hell was I thinking!? I kissed him! I can't even comprehend where the fuck that had come from. So the only option left, avoidance.

That's precisely why Everett has a copy of 'The Woman in White' in his hands and is completely absorbed into it. Just ignoring my existence.

It wasn't the first time Everett had bought a book to read. Jess didn't want Everett with her all the time since it disrupts her mind sometimes so Everett helps us or reads a book sitting somewhere in complete silence. But right now it feels like he is doing it to avoid me at all costs. Not that I can blame him since I haven't initiated a conversation either.

The practice is done for the day, and we are all sitting on the stage with a water bottles in our hands. Today was tiring. We are all drained and exhausted. Leslie's voice sounds terrible, and she says she needs a hot tea to calm it down. Suddenly the entrance opens and Carl comes in and looks directly at me.

"There's someone here to meet you," he looks unsure as he says it. Then a figure steps in, and I almost get a heart attack. Vio searches the place for me till she catches me looking at her. My reaction is instant, I rush over to her. My mind running miles per second thinking something might have happened to her.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I ask her when I reach her.

"Woah! Hold your horses. Nothing happened, I just wanted to see you 'cuz mom was pissing me off." She tells me. So nothing serious happened.

"Then what are you doing in my workplace? You are only allowed to come if it's an emergency," I narrow my glare and keep my voice stern. She can't just come to my workplace like that. But that's when she catches Everett sitting on one of the chairs, and she waves. Then she looks at me with a grin.

"Who said anything about meeting you? I am here for Everett." She lies.

"You didn't even know he would be here." I remind her.

"Now I do," she shrugs.

She pushes past me towards Everett who smiles at her. But then he turns to me with a worried expression. He thinks that something is wrong. He looks concerned about Vio. My heart clenches at that realization. I shake my head slightly to let him know nothing is wrong. His attention goes back to Vio as he puts down his book.

Everyone is now coming towards us with similar, confused expressions. I sigh. This is going to be annoying considering none of them knows about my sister.

I walk over to all of them. Sofia raises an eyebrow at me, subtly telling me to start talking.

"Guys meet my sister, Violet. Violet my co-workers," I introduced them to each other.

Jess narrows her eyes at me while Carl looks exasperated. I hadn't told them about Violet when I explained about my dad. This only serves as a confirmation to them that I haven't shared my whole story with them. I hold their gazes, just to make sure that they know I won't be sharing anything.

"Hold on. You have a sister!?" Roman asks. "Then shouldn't she be in the media and stuff because of your dad?"

"That's because she is my half-sister."

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