Hearts on fire, we're no liars

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Julie's POV:
I wake up to light shining in through my window. I pull a pillow over my face and roll to the other side of my bed. Just then someone knocks and my door opens.

"Morning Jules" he says holding a tray of food.

"Luke" I mumble sitting up. He sets the tray down and smiles at me eagerly.

"You didn't have to make me breakfast" I say smiling at him.

"Well your brother and dad left early this morning so I thought why not. Especially since I don't know when your leaving. Might as well make it feel like home" I smile a little and take a drink of coffee. I pick up the tray and place it on the table. I walk up behind him and tap his shoulder. He turns around, his smile growing wide.

"Then it's a good thing I'm not leaving"

"Wait your not" he ask, his eyes lighting up. I shake my head no and he picks me up. He spins me around and we fall onto my bed.

"Jules, I love you"  Luke whispers kissing my neck.

"I love you too Lucas" I say with a giggle. He pulls back in shock and I burst out laughing.

"Do you know the last time someone called me Lucas was?" He ask, pulling me back into his arms.

"Yeah, me a few seconds ago" I say looking up at him and smiling.

"You are something else Julie Molina" He says bending down and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

"We should probably go find Reggie and Alex right?" I ask. Luke groans.

"I wanna stay with you like this" He complains

"Cmon Luke" I say getting up from bed and grabbing some shorts. He crosses his arms behind his head and smiles.

"You like what you see Lucas?" I joke. He just nods.

"Oh my god Luke Patterson. You should never look at girls like that" I say sitting beside him and playfully slapping his arm.

"Not even my girl?" He ask

"I'm your girl?"

"Mine and only mine" he says pulling me in for another kiss. I smile getting up and pick his shirt from the floor. I throw it on and drag him downstairs.

"Well if it isn't the two lovebirds" Alex says sitting on the couch.

"I have no idea what your talking about" I say sitting beside him. Alex rolls his eyes and puts down his phone.

"I'm talking about the fact that we left y'all in the garage and you were not there when me and Reginald came back" I turn bright red and Luke sits beside me.

"I- umm" Alex burst out laughing. He clutches in pain, he's laughing so hard. Luke laughs and shakes his head.

"What's going on, I'm so confused" I say looking at both of them.

"He knows" Luke whispers to me. I just nod awkwardly.

"Anyway, where's Reggie?" I ask, trying to chance the subject.

"He's Umm, I don't know. He told me but I don't remember" Alex says. I roll my eyes.

"Wow Lex, your doing great at this whole friend thing"

"I think I am so" just then Flynn burst through my door.

"JULIE" she yells.

"Flynn, chill. I'm right here" I say turning around and looking at her. She runs over to me and then stares at Alex and Luke.

"Julie, where have you been? I've been trying to call you. You didn't answer, I thought you had died" she exclaims.

"I'm sorry Flynn, I was- busy"

"Yeah busy" Alex laughs. Flynn gives him a death glare and turns her attention back to me.

"But I do have too tell you, well a lot Cmon" I say grabbing her hand and running upstairs.

Luke's POV:

"Y'all are cute together" Alex says now reading a book. I smile and jump onto the couch.

"Thanks bro, I really really love her"

"That's kinda what me and Reggie were trying to point out"

"What is this?" I ask snatching his book "red,white, and royal blue. I've never heard of this"

"Hey give it back" He whines trying to grab the book back.

"Nope, we're watching a TV now" I say grabbing the remote. Alex rolls his eyes and throws himself back onto the couch.

"So are we alive or what?" I ask.

"I'm trying not to think about it cause then I'll get anxious" Alex says flipping through the shows. We stops on friends and Alex smiles.

"You know, o feel like you and Julie are like Monica and chandler"

"How so?"

"You've known each other since you were little and now you're finally admitting your love"

"Mija, I'm home" Ray yells coming in. He walks straight to the lifxhen, his arms full of bags. Carlos on the other hand stops and stares.

"L-l- Luke" he stutters making me and Alex turn around.

"Carlos, you can see us?" I ask. He nods faintly and starts screaming.

"DAAAAAAADDDDDD" Ray runs into the living room and his eyes go wide.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" He yells towards Alex then he looks at me "Luke?"

"Dad what's going on?" Julie ask from the last stair.

"Mija, you see them right" He ask, pointing at me and Alex. Her gaze turns to me. I give her a shrug

"Wait dad you can see them?" She ask.

"Yes, yes I can. What's going on?"

"Dad this is gonna sound crazy but this is Luke"

"What Mija?"

"My band, I don't know how to explain it really but they came back as ghost and now they're here. And they're alive again. Well I'm not sure about the last part"

"Slow down, Luke is back" Carlo ask. I smile and go over to him, bending down to him.

"I'm back little man" I say and he gives me a big hug.

"I missed you Luke" Carlos says squeezing me tighter.

"So dad" Julie says coming beside ray "could they stay? I mean they already kinda live here"

"I'm not a 100 percent certain what's going on but why the hell not?" He says pulling us in for a hug.

"Woah were hugging, I want it" Reggie says making us laugh. We all hug until Julie's phone starts ringing.

"I'll get it" She says and picks up the phone.

Julie's POV:
I walk outside and answer the call.


"Is it true that your band is ghost?"

"What? No! Who is this?"

"I'm an interviewer and we got a tip that your band is ghost"

"That's- that's crazy. Who was this tip?"

"Carrie Wilson" of course

"Well she's wrong, goodbye" I say hanging up. I start pacing. Oh god, oh god, oh god.

"Hey Jules, what's wrong?"

"Luke, it's bad" I say. He places his hands my shoulders.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"


A/n: the first part of the sequel to Perfect Harmony. I hope y'all enjoy it!!!

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