Hands up if youre with me

330 10 6

And then everything disappears. It all just goes black

Julie's POV:
I wake up to my room, but it's not my room. Where am I? I get up and grab my head in pain. God it hurts bad.

"Time to wake up Jules" my mom says creeping in my room. I turn to her.

"Mom" I say hugging her. She hugs be back and kisses my head.

"Why the sudden excitement? Moving got you pumped"

"I'm just happy you're here" I say and she kisses my forehead.

"I'm happy we're all here. I'm gonna go make breakfast. You get dressed for school okay?" I nod snd she leaves me room.

It felt weird, seeing here. I think about the day before but it's a blur. I don't remember moving here

I look around my room, boxes labeled snd filled with things. I walk over to one box, opening it. I pull out a picture of my family.

It's of me, dad, mom, and baby Carlos. I smile to myself

I dig through some more and pull out another photo. It's of me and some boy. I yawn and look at my phone. It has a bunch of texts. I open them up.

Who's excited for their first day????
I can't wait to show you around!
What are you wearing?
I'm gonna come over so we can go together

I guess that's the boy. I open another box and pull clothes out. I come across some t-shirts and one says sunset curve. Who is sunset curve?

I throw it on my bed and dig some more. I pull out a AC/DC t-shirt, a black skater skirt, and a flannel. Then I pick a black beanie.

I get dressed and head downstairs. I can smell breakfast from the top of the stairs. I stand at the top  for a moment when Carlos comes bursting out of his room. He jumps up and down, running downstairs and over to the table. I laugh and walk down after him.

"Someone's excited for their first day" I say, messing with his hair as I sit down. He rolls his eyes and starts gobbling his breakfast. My mom comes out of the kitchen and sits down beside me.

"Julie, you look amazing!!" She cheers "you are definitely gonna make the boys go wild"

"Not to wild" dad warns, slipping his coffee.
I laugh and look at mom.

"Mom do you know a sunset curve?" I ask, taking a sip of milk.

"No I don't. I think I heard about something like that being a local band"

"Oh okay cool" I start eating my breakfast when I get a text from Alex.

Alex 💅🏻🏳️‍🌈
I'm outside, come we have school

"I gotta get going" I say grabbing my bag and other things.

"Oh okay baby, I love you" My mom says kissing my forehead.

"Love y'all more" I run out the door, eager to see who Alex is. I walk down the stairs and out to the driveway where I find Alex leaning against my car.

"Julie!" He says excitedly, he hugs me but pulls back and spins me around "you look fantastic"

"Thanks Lex" I say with a smile. He seems for familiar.

"Come on, let's get going" he says tapping the car. I unlock it and we get in.
On the way there, Alex rambles on about everything. I mostly just nod and drive. Once we are there, I start to get a little nervous. I look at the school, it looks so familiar too.

"Julie, earth to Julie" Alex says waving a hand infront of my face"

"Sorry" I tell him as a unbuckle and get out. We walk to the doors and he continues.

"I can't wait for you to meet my band. I think you'll really like them"

"You have a band?"

"Yep, sunset curve" He says with a huge smile. Okay, I guess that's where the shirt came from. Someone grabs him by the arm and pulls him away. Great now I'm all alone.

I walk down the hallway and to the office. They give me my class schedule and locker stuff. I wander out and look around. I start to walk, my arms full of books. I stare at my paper, trying to find my locker. I hit someone and fall. My stuff falls

I look up in panic but I see I meet the eyes of a kind face. He gives me a smile and I feel a little calmer but also like if he smiles at me again. My heart is gonna beat out of my chest

"I'm so sorry" I scrambling to pick stuff up. He bends down next to me and helps me.

"It's no problem, first day?" He ask and I nod.

"My friend kinda left me" I say, grabbing the books. I realize we haven't even exchanged names.

"I'm Julie by the way"

"I'm Luke" he says reaching out a hand to help me. He pulls me up and I dust myself off.

A/n: IMA BOUT TO POST THE LAST PART AFTER THIS. Omg it's ending already😢 -R

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