Watch me shine

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Julie's POV:
Over the next few days I got closer to Carrie. Knowing what Flynn told me, I knew that Carrie's dad had to know more. I had to get the guys back, failure just isn't an option.

I walk up to her house and knock on the door.

"Hello Julie, long time" Mr.Wilson says opening the door "I think Carrie's out but your welcome to wait here"

"I actually had some questions for you" I smile. He crooks his head in confusion for a moment. But let's me in.

Outside on the patio
"So what did you want to talk about?"

"You died 25 years ago, how are you here?"gotta get it out there now, I have to know.

"Wha- that's crazy Julie"

"I've done research and you died. How are you alive?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Why do you need to know?"

"I need to bring someone back"

"Well only certain people can do that Julie. It's very dangerous and-"

"Tell. Me. How."

"I met this girl Rose. She could see me somehow and she brought me back. I later found out it's a special gift that people have. It has major repercussions, it's dangerous"

"How do you know if you have the gift?" I ask. There's no way that I-

"You see ghost, you can bring them back. Things of that sort"

Holy shit...

"Repercussions, like death?"

"Sometimes, generally from what I know. You get cursed with death. Or something bigger. You could change things, change the universe and what happens in it. It's the greatest power known to man kind"

That's a lot to take in.

"Thank you Mr.Wilson, I'll see you later" I say grabbing my bag and running out.

Luke's POV:
"SHE CANT DO THAT" I yell. He's not understanding

"Luke calm down, how do we know she even has it?"

"Her mom... rose had the same gift"

"Rose did? Is that how she died?"

"Yes she was cursed with death" Willie says. I feel the airs ripped out of my lungs.

"I- I need a moment" I say standing up and walking into the hallway.

"LUKE PATTERSON GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT" my mom yells as I run out. I slam the door behind me and walk down the street. As I start to clam down, I realize it's ungodly cold.

I knock on the Molinas door.
Rose opens and gives me a concerned look.
"Luke, sweetie. It's freezing why are you outside?" She ask, stepping aside to let me in.

"I was wondering if you have room for one more tonight?" I ask, a shiver going down my back.

"Yeah sweetie, come on in" I walk inside and it's like I'm at home again. There house has always felt like home to me.

"So another fight with your mom?" Rose ask. I nod and turn to her. She gives me a compassionate look and hugs me.

"Julie is upstairs" Rose chirps and I got upstairs. I knock on her door and Julie yells to come in.
I look around at the room, wow they did an awesome job on it.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" Julie ask, getting up from her chair. She walks over to me and placed a hand on my chest.

"Oh my god your so cold" she says running her hand up and down my arm. She grabs my hand and sits me on her bed.

"Another fight with your mom?" She ask, pulling blankets and fixing pillows.

"What else would it be" I say with a slight laugh.

"Let's watch a movie or something, to get your mind off of it" I nod and sit against the headboard. Julie lays a blanket on me and then cuddles next to me. She lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Dude" Alex says from behind me.

"Alex, she can't do that. I won't let her risk her whole life for me"

"It's not your choice to make Luke. You know that"

"But she's gonna get hurt or worse. We don't know what could happen"

"I know, I don't want her to do it either. But she's gonna. We all know Julie, she would do anything for someone she cares about"

"If I'm alive and she's not, I-I don't know what I would do with myself"

"Then we gotta protect her"

Julie's POV:
I tap my foot impatiently against the sidewalk.
Willie better show up.

"Julie?" Someone says making me turn.
Nick, just great

"Hey Nick" I say wrapping my hands together.

"Why are you just standing on the sidewalk?"

"Just.... waiting for someone is all. How about you?"

"Umm planning a date with Carrie" he says scarchinh the back of his neck.

Here's the thing about me and Nick. We used to date
He broke it off because he didn't like how close me and Luke were. I said the same thing about him and Carrie. He went off about he would never date Carrie. Then he asked me if I'd ever date Luke.
I couldn't lie, I've always loved Luke.

So it ended there.

"Oh, okay" I say staring at the ground. Could this get any more awkward?

"I'm sorry about- well everything"

"Thanks Nick"

"It was nice seeing you Julie"

"You too Nick" I say giving him a smile. He smiles back and walks off.

That was weird.

"Yo Molina" Willie says.

"Omg there you are. You know it's not that hard to be on time. Aren't you a ghost? Shouldn't you have all the time in the world?" I ramble.

"I was talking with the guys"

"Are they okay?" I ask shyly.

"They don't want you to this" He says, spinning his skate board.

"Well it's not their choice"

"I know, it's just- are you sure you wanna do this? You know what could happen"

"I do, but I have to save them Willie. Their my family, you do anything for family"

"Your right, I guess let's go"

Here we go, off to the Hollywood ghost club.

A/n: ooh, I can't wait for whats about to happen!
Lots of love -R

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